"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Another Little Tidbit

I will have the Dvd of last night's meeting to-night but I have to tell you this little bit now. It's too delicious.

In the course of other comments at the meeting, Mr.Fitkin mentioned he had had a meeting with the Mayor. I asked when and for what purpose. He answered. I expressed concern about a meeting which had not been authorised by council. The Mayor declared she would speak to whomever she pleased and needed no authority from anyone.

As usual, Mayor and Councillor MacEachern had much to say during the meeting and there was little time for anyone else before the clock ran out. I asked if Mr. Fitkin would be willing to have a conversation for me to learn how his office would be benefit the community. A couple of his recommendations were being put to a vote.

Mr. Fitkin expressed himself more than willing and offered to do so by telephone as early as today.

Councillor Wilson however expressed opposition. My questions should be asked in public he said so that everyone could hear the answers. He was right, of course. But there would be no opportunity between now and Council approving the recommendations.

Mayor Morris, as she is wont to do, directed the question to the Town Solicitor for his advice.

Mr. Christopher Cooper responded it would not be acceptable. His reason was unclear.

And thereby hangs a tale. Which is the correct answer? Alright for the Mayor to have a private meeting with Mr.Fitkin? Not alright for anyone else?

If there was ethical reason against the conversation, why would Ethics Commissioner Fitkin not be the first to say so?

I could have engaged Mr. Cooper in discussion and requested a reason for his negative response. Except that it's against the Rules of Order.

No self-respecting politician drags a staff person into the middle of a debate. Political battles are meant to be fought fair and square between politicians.

Ethics dictate staff should never be compromised.

That's the point where a Chief Administrative Officer must intervene, although it's admittedly difficult and should never be necessary to do so.

He did it later in the meeting, when it appeared the York Regional Police officer was being criticised by Councillor Wilson.


Anonymous said...

I really wish that Council meetings were still being televised for viewing the night AFTER the meeting.
But Mayor Morris doesn't want anyone seeing her antics!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous April 22, 2009 3:18pm

Do you really think that Rogers Cable schedules programs to help the mayor's agenda? Come on, take off your tinfoil hat.

Junius said...


You should be aware that as far as the Mayor is concerned, it's do as I say, not as I do!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous April 22, 3:18 p.m. put your tinfoil hat back on, but take note that the weather conditions of today may make for a bad hair day, I think the lady's name at Rogers Cable that Morris met with and suggested the time of viewing is Chalmers.

Anonymous of April 23, 7:;23 p.m. a suggestion for you instead of casting doubt get the facts. I don't believe that they scheduled the program to help the mayor's agenda, I don't think they really thought she had an agenda. But she does and we all know it!