"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 27 June 2009

That and This

The Honorable Lisa Raitt is a Federal Cabinet Minister.

I had never heard of the lady until a couple of weeks ago. A tape recorder was left behind somewhere. Its owner failed to collect it. It was listened to and Minister Raitt's voice was heard. It must have been a slow news week What she said, hit the fan.

An injunction was sought in Halifax, the Megalopolis of the Maritimes and a Judge ruled the Minister's words could be published

The media sought an opinion from a Toronto University Professor of Ethics who profoundly stated;

"If you wouldn't like to see it in print. Don't say it "

That is politically sensible and apparently ethical as well.

It could be argued the Honorable Lisa Raitt benefited from the publicity. I now know who she is, her portfolio, some family history and that she thought the Minister of Health could be doing a better political job.

Also that Honorable Minister Lisa Raitt's boss thinks she is doing a sufficiently competent job to keep her around for now.

Still, my knowing won't necessarily benefit the Minister's standing in the next election. Obviously I don't vote in her riding. The comments had no impact on anything. . And enjoying the boss's esteem doesn't matter a hill of beans to me.

Now... if it happened at our level of politics the story could be different.

Right now there's a great kerfuffle going on behind closed doors. while some local politicos strive to recover, at public expense, that which was lost, when a citizen from Snowball Corners, beyond the confines of our fair town, encouraged by our Mayor, expounded at length a variety of unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations and allegations against a member of council within our own council chamber. To the considerable disapprobation of the community at large. .

In the excitement of high drama and general chaos and confusion which passes for decorum in Aurora Council, specific direction was given to staff which was not eventually reflected in the public record and the community figuratively shouted:

" What?'

I answered in a Blog.

In true Morris-Mac strategy, attention had to be deflected from the apparent villain to the true villain of the piece. The target (moi)of the unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations and allegation of the denizen of Snowball Corners, has again been accused . This time of crimes and misdemeanours against procedural rules and ethical conduct. With the assistance of legal counsel, at considerable public expense , acting as investigating officer, prosecuting attorney, judge and jury all rolled into one and not for the first time; in for a penny, in for a pound.... nudge, nudge, wink, wink: talk about yer economics of scale...and all that jazz.

The buzz words around town now and for the past thirty-months is that it is my statements and actions which make it necessary for the Mayor and her co-horts to seek legal counsel on a regular basis.

The devil made them do it.

The main charge against me appears to be failure to respect that staff recommendations must at all times trump the judgement of one particular elected official.(moi).

Ancillary charge ... disclosing matters discussed behind closed doors.

Actually, I only disclose that which I do not believe qualifies to be discussed behind closed doors. And not all of that.

On the other hand, if so accused ... Well...what the hell?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bishenden said...

I'd say "If you wouldn't sign your name to it, don't say it."

I see a lot of stuff on blogs to which I doubt people would sign their names.

Evelyn has the conviction of signing her name. A few others do as well. Some others at least have recognizable "handles" so their arguments can be followed, and that has a lot of good reason in this age of the internet.

The anonymii, however, have all the credibility of their signatures.