Friday, 22 January 2010

Sins and Omissions

I erred in my calculation of the total number of pages of print. There were eighty-four pages printed both sides. That's still humongous and questionable use of town resources.

The agenda is distributed to nine councillors, ten staff including a person from the communications division and a copy is sent to the Library. A person from communications is lately an attendee at council meetings.

Reporters have one each. I got the complete number from the Clerk. I could ask for exact distribution but the new process is that only department heads may respond to Councillor inquiries. I don't think it's a good use of a department head's time. I hesitate to go that route.

We had a debate early in the term about Rebecca Beaton getting a free copy of the budget. . Councillor MacEachern made a motion to that effect. " Because of Rebecca's interest in the town's affairs" she said.

I didn't see why the fee should be suspended. The Mayor offered to give her own copy to Rebecca, if it was such a big deal.

Rebecca is special friend and handmaiden to Councillor MacEachern .I think town policies should apply to all. If town residents have to pay for town documents, special friends of Councillors should as well.

It was probably one of those eight to one votes that friends and supporters of the Mormac regime like to refer to as negativity and I think of as consistency and equity.

We have had another change in protocol. E-mail communications from staff and the Mayor have dispensed with normal civility in address to Councillors. I assume it's not just me.

For example, the response to my query about how many copies of agendas are distributed came back simply as "35"

Recent e-mails from the CAO, Director of Human Resources .and the Mayor had the same tone. Frankly, I think it lacks civility. Maybe I should convey my feelings privately rather than confide in you, dear readers. But what the heck, they didn't advise me before they collectively decided how to address elected representatives from now on.

First they make a policy that only department heads can provide answers. Then they convey displeasure at being asked, by withholding civility.

A couple of weeks ago an e-mail from the Mayor had a green happy face at the bottom and a request not to copy. "Think about the trees it takes to make paper" it said.

New titles adopted, like "the Executive Leadership Management Team" instead of Management Team, The Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services Department, instead of Public Works Director are a contradiction in terms of conservation and economy.

When one realises the times titles are repeated in public documents and verbal references, economic efficiency is clearly not what the changes are about.


  1. Somehow I doubt if most of this current Council have any idea what "ecomonic efficiency" is, never mind how to consider it in their decisions. The only result they are insterested in is "self promotion".

  2. Evelyn:

    You have written tens of thousands of words, the majority of them very informative.

    But to date they have had no real effect. Very few of the wrongs you have identified, the money that has been squandered, the organization restructured, the meaningful titles rendered incomprehensible, are ongoing with no end in sight.

    It's easy to say that justice will prevail in October.
    The only way this will happen is if a goodly number of experienced citizens of sound moral and ethical character are prepared to run for public office, and in the course of their campaigns destroy Morris and the "five who follow" so throughly with proven examples of the Morris years blatant megalomania, that she and her troop will be roundly trounced.

    The first order of business for the new Mayor and Council should be By-laws to do away with the Code of Conduct and the Ethics Commissioner.

    If nine honest citizens, whoever they might be, are elected, one would expect that they would, between them, know how to conduct themselves with honour, distinction, morals and ethics; their character would shine through.

  3. Elizabeth Bishenden24 January 2010 at 23:55

    Oh, phooey, Aurora Coalition.

    People need to talk the talk, walk the walk, and name themselves.

    I, for one, am amply qualified, but unwilling to run for council. At least I have a name.

    Identify yourself and start walking. The we'll decide if your talk is any better than the recent noise.

  4. someone who loves this town more than politics25 January 2010 at 12:34

    to the Aurora "spineless" Coalition.

    I agree with Elizabeth's comments.

    It is hard for you to claim Buck's methodologies ineffective when you have proven to be the least effective in affecting change and will continue to be until you chose to come out of the closet.

    Councilor Buck's words, both in council and on this blog have got people to take notice and get involved.

    Educating citizens, especially entering an election is a slow process. Votes are indeed won one at a time.
    You may not agree with the speed, but you can't argue the method.

    I do not agree with your methods, nor do I believe you are encouraging principles of honesty in those that you so desperately seek to come forward.

    Either step forward with openness and transparency yourselves, or dissemble.

    Aurora deserves better than what you have provided


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