Thursday, 15 July 2010

Yesterday's post

It was accidentally posted on my personal blog.

I tried to shift it.

Without success.

It will have to stay there for now.

It's called the missing post.


  1. I have read the "Missing Post". I have also read Tuessday's Banner article that reported Mr. Tsubouchi's decision. It is a very black day indeed for freedom of speech.
    I finally got around to watching June 22nd's council meeting. I was appalled that the resident from the house behind the baseball diamond was allowed to call you a liar. Oh, Morris made a pathetic, weak attempt to ask him to change his wording but the damage had already been done.
    I am fascinated by timing. Was it coincidence that he appeared at the council meeting when you were away so that you were not there to defend yourself?
    Was it coincidence that Mr. Tsubouchi's decision was released at the first council meeting that was not televised?
    The timing that relates to council activities is all too convenient for words. Someone must spend hours plotting and mapping out if and when and what will be presented or released and by whom.
    Is that why we are paying big bucks for a media relations person now? Was the foremost required credential "must have superior, exemplary verbal and written plotting skills?

  2. The meeting was taped by Rogers.

    Thanks to David Heard who appeared before council and the cameras kept running.

    A member of Council apparantly had harsh words for Mr.Heard at the Town Park about his efforts to keep them rolling.

    The bullies are out in full force.

    There was a witness but they work for the Town.

    Chances of them speaking up is like that snowball.

    A chance in h...

  3. "Was it coincidence that Mr. Tsubouchi's decision was released at the first council meeting that was not televised?"

    You can watch the last council meeting online at

  4. Thank you to those who have let me know that the meeting was taped after all.


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