Thursday, 21 October 2010

Coming Down to The Wire

Four more days and it will all be over.Actually it is  over for a  many voters already, I hear there were line-ups at the advance poll.The votes will  already be counted and tucked away in  envelopes in their boxes  awaiting  the final tally.

Still I start each day wondering what the Morrisites have in store for me today. It's  quite  weird how I have become their target. The  rationale appears to be, if they can  persuade enough people that everything I  write in this blog is bogus, their candidates will romp  home  past the finish line with time to spare.

For the life of me, I can't see how they imagine they can accomplish that  objective in the next few hours. I've been posting now for three years and four months. If  there was evidence available to prove everything I have written was a figment of my imagination, they have certainly had time enough to prove it.

The  new name of Patrick McGroin has appeared in the Aurora  Citizen Blog making wild unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations  against me. with a chorus of rejoinders  to augment the chorus.

I suspect it is a phoney monicker for a  Mormac supporter who  had reached the tipping point, had   been banned from   Citizen  Blog and  whose slant  is well known to  contributers over there.

I doubt he has much  influence. And if he has, there's not a lot I can do about that. 

I would have to say, the Morrisites  are in a desperate frame of mind.

By this time in most  campaigns, the die is cast .

Whatever will be, will be.

The future is ours to see.

Que Sera,.. Sera         .


  1. I think it's a phony moniker too. Pat McGroin? Magroin? It's like "Heywood Jablowme", "Hank E. Panky", or "Harry Weiner".

    Looking forward to seeing you in the winners' circle on Monday night!

  2. My only criticism of your campaign is that you did not play up your position as our oldest serving Mayor.

    You are an Auroran jewel and hopefully our next deputy Mayor (and hopefully to Dawe and not the control freak)

  3. When you say control freak are you speaking about Morris or Kean.


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