Monday, 18 April 2011

Westhill Costs...Legal and Consultant Fees

I asked for them this morning.Received them this afternoon.

A straighforward request. A straighforward response.

How refreshing.

Starting in November 2007 to date, legal fees (including expenses for court reporter at the OMB hearing) are $488,404.42.

From April 30th 2007 to date consultant costs for the Westhill matter are $16,678.35

Total for both, legal and consultant $649,082.77

There is no reference to court costs for the five failed attempts to argue a consolidated board hearing was necessary .

I  expect they will be additional . I will check tomorrow.


  1. let this monument to waste be an example to all who follow and especially to those policy makers in the province that believe a four year term of office for municipal politicians was a good idea, The cost of bad judgment and misguided patronizing logic like this can all but bankrupt a small town,

  2. Legal fees for the previous council will be the death of this town. Suits flying in different directions; OMB hearings - it's crazy.

    My reccomendation to a lawyer - get a job at the Town of Aurora.


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