Thursday, 29 September 2011

Be True To Yourself

I generally delete  virulent comments.

Now and then  I publish a sample.

I published an uncomplimentary comment  on  Councillor Gaertner. I eased my conscience with one against myself for balance.There were others.

I always know when I've hit the ball out of the field.

I think  the comment came from an unseated candidate. Though none of them have been around  town  forty years

It was 1963 when I first ran for office .My  involvement has been forty- eight years in total.

I have  held office  twenty four years. At the end of this term I will have been part of  an Aurora Council  longer than not, within that time.

The writer is right. My interest never faltered, in or out of office, during all of those years.I do enjoy politics.I am good at it. I never found another candidate who offered  what I look for in a candidate.

It is theatre. Sometimes theatre of the absurd.

Thinking  on  one's feet ...extemporaneous's all  part of the challenge. People are born with the need to speak out. Politics provides the opportunity. Being part of the decision- making process is the prize.

I believe it is a worthwhile and necessary  endeavour. A politician  can be honest. earn respect and make a contribution.

Blunt honesty  is bound to piss some  people off  as often as it re-assures others. I have found it  easy  to be who I am.

My commenter's plan  for what he is going to be in his old age is flawed. If he hasn't discovered himself already, it's too late now.

However long your life may be, you will only have contentment, knowing you didn't waste a minute being someone other than who you are

1 comment:

  1. brinkka2011 says: Lovely website! A little too spammy though


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