"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 29 October 2011

There May Be A Point Here

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Can't Find The Comment":

They cannot understand that you take pleasure,
sometimes even joy, when they take themselves so
very seriously. People don't like to be considered
amusing when they are trying to impress themselves
and others.


I think my reader may hit the nail. The problem may  lie within ourselves, dear Brutus,  The fact we are on camera  at all  times, councillors  may be  worried  about building  and maintaining  an  image.

Even Councillor Pirri occasionally takes it upon himself to lecture in my direction.

He is  young  but  not to  be taken lightly. He is intelligent. Works hard. Does his own legwork and is determined to do  the best job  possible. We are frequently on  side.

But I cannot deny, in moments when  he seeks to advise from his great breadth of experience,, I have an  impulse is to squash him like a long bug.

I don't of course. Respect begets respect. Discipline is hard to shed. Certainly in the council chamber. The electors' choice must be respected.

Notwithstanding, small and large barbs shot across the table are collected and stored.  A politician who doesn't  understand defence does not enjoy the game.


Leaves left on the maple tree above my head are  a luminous  gold. Most have fallen already.

My neighbour's tree is  still mostly green. I think it's a scion of my tree.

I used to be sad when the leaves fell. But no more.

In a matter of weeks, they will be back; full, fresh, and green with summer once again stretching ahead

And who knows what excitement in between.


Anonymous said...

I wonder whether certain councillors have a so-called "question period" where they get some of their followers to fire questions at them so they can practice giving intelligent, succinct answers and thereby appear to know of what they speak.

They then follow up their response with an expository five minute statement to support it.

This is often done at more senior levels of government, i.e. prime minister or president.

It is difficult to believe that a sitting councillor, or even mayor, is so taken up with the fact there is a camera recording their every word that they consciously worry about building and maintaining an image.

Although when you see "man or woman on the street" interviews on the telly you can understand the effect of that often malignant little eye staring at you; some people appear to go berserk.

Anonymous said...

To brighten your days in the week to come,on
Thursday the first of what we hope will be many,
installment from Morris has to wend its very
reluctant way to Bill & Richard. Do you suppose it
will be a bouncing cheque ?

Anonymous said...

Given her track record, some poor stupid shmuck
will be covering her butt again.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the woman who said she would destroy
them and not spend a penny of her own money ?
Believe it when you actually receive something.

Paul Pirri said...

"But I cannot deny, in moments when he seeks to advise, I have an impulse is to squash him like a long bug."

Of all of the times I've appeared in your blog I have to admit this has been my favorite comment. You got a hearty chuckle out of me.Its good to know that disagreement and mutual respect can co-exist....