Wednesday, 16 November 2011

No Post Yesterday

I spent the day trying to connect. By the time I did, it was time to leave for a council meeting.

Where we learned there is as much nincompoopery at the Ministry of  Environment as in any other environ of government.

The day before, Monday, was an all- day session to discuss capital items in the town's budget.

I was an hour late for the start .

I do not normally  commit to be anywhere before noon.

It has to do with my pattern of living. At night, I allow myself to fall asleep in my bug comfy chair. It's an indulgence in which  I luxuriate. I am usually watching Letterman.

Then after an hour or two,I  bestir myself and hie  to bed. More often than not, I lie  awake for the next couple of hours. Not infrequently  I will  rise again  and write a blog. It's not a problem. I  can go back and sleep until I wake. Which could be ten o-clock or later.

Who's to care?

So.... on Monday, I wasn't sleeping.  I had to be at the Town Hall by nine a.m. I rose at five a.m.  I thought I would write a short post explaining why I wouldn't be writing a post and go back to bed and get a couple of hours sleep and be on my way in plenty of time.

It's not how it happened . A couple of hours later, I wrapped up  the post.

Not a good idea to go back to bed and maybe  waken at ten or thereafter.

So, I went to my chair. I have this marvelous facility for cat-napping. I can close my eyes and drift off. Twenty minutes later, I'm back in time to be where I  need to be.

On  Monday morning it was not to be. I could not drift off .I was thinking about where I needed to be and when.  Finally I did. When I opened my eyes again, it was an hour later than it needed to be

But at least I didn't nod off after lunch.

Another luxury my lifestyle permits.

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