Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Pesky Agreement

I forwarded the latest promotion from the Cultural Centre to the CAO , asking to be informed of how using the facility for sales of products fit into  terms of reference for the operation.  My request was forwarded. I received the response below later in the day.

The 'Starry, Starry Night' event, is more correctly described as a fund raising event.
Fundraising by the Church Street School Cultural Centre is explicitly stipulated in our Cultural Services Agreement (paragraph 11.4) and implicitly through the stipulation in paragraph 2 that we function in accordance with Strategic Study which also mentions fundraising.  Regards,
Rob Layton
for the Church Street School Cultural Centre
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Laura Schembri <> wrote


  1. We are aware of the fundraising. Queries kick in
    about how those funds are used and why the Town
    should be providing the venue without any return
    from the revenue.
    Is that simple enough for you. Why is this such an
    emotional issue. Just share the facilities with the
    museum, fitting your events around it rather than
    the other way around and there should be no angst.
    When people refer to the 'culture vultures' you know
    that the Culture Centre is a public relations
    disaster. Time to stop picking fights and try to remedy the mess.
    Bottom line : that building is NOT your sand box.

  2. I have yet to see a list of the highly elusive boardmembers .Nor has there been any announce-
    ment that they receive no remuneration.
    Open and transparent. Not.

  3. I support you,and so do many more, in your efforts to return our valued history to this community.

    I still cannot figure how the museum just went poof...and the funding for a museum which was sustantial.


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