Thursday, 8 December 2011

Accountability...The Theme Of This Post.

Stephanie took my mail box out of outlook express and replaced it with something better. I am in her hands. She knows more about computers than me.

 I know more about me. I like  familiar things . But I also do not wish to admit to a grand-daughter I can't do what she can do. I am doing it. It just  takes a bit of getting used to.

This morning I published a comment that was intended just for me. It can be deleted but I have to get  the post done first. If I don't write it while it's in my head, it has to be re-generated. Double the work.

I don't usually post comments critical of staff. There is one  this morning  suggesting  staff are responsible for  decisions. I published it because it's the theme of this  post

Staff do not decide. They  recommend.

During  Tuesday's  discussion on the award of a consultant contract for design of a sidewalk, the statement was made, too much work in the job for staff  and they do not have the time. Underground utilities are situated  under sidewalks. A lot of research  is needed to determine  locations

Underground  utilities are in the boulevard. It makes them easier to access. Each property is serviced  with sewer and water lines.  They cross under  the sidewalk.  They are sufficiently deep,  not to interfere with  placement of the sidewalk.

Construction  contractors are  responsible for determining  location of utilities.  They are the ones  doing the digging.

To get back to responsibility for decision making: Staff provide best professional advice.

Council makes  decisions.   Staff are accountable to council. Council is accountable to the electorate.

It is not in the least odd  I have a different perspective from other members of council

I make no apology. With forty-four years of experience twenty-five of it hands on. it would indeed be odd if I shared the same perspective.

Decision-making is collective. Listening  is a political imperative.

But that's not as simple as it sounds.

New councillors should  seek understanding about how the municipality functions
from staff.

Mayor Dawe takes every opportunity to express profound appreciation for the help and support he has received from the administration.

 It is  staff's job to provide information.

Difficulty  arises  with inexperience. When is it information? When does it cross the line and become heavy-handed influence.

Inexperience  in the Mayor's chair is a definite disadvantage . The role spelled out in the Municipal Act is to provide leadership and guidance. Humans have a natural tendency to look for and follow leadership.

In the last term we had a despot.Changes were made to suit the intent. This term the stage is set  but without malignant intent.

The Mayor clearly finds it to his liking.

Then there's ego. No shortage of that among politicians.

Council's function is the force that keeps public spending in check.

If counter-pressure  is not exerted.....Oh My God...millions of dollars  have been flushed and continuing to be flushed from  the town treasury.

I  have told much ...but not everything.

 Aurora's  town hall has become a mini-region . Identification with taxpayers is seriously lacking.

Time and resources  are  devoted more to  style than substance. 

I don't know if all councillors read my blog. Or if they do, do they also  read the comments.

My  dialogue with  readers  keeps me focused. The  logic is not obscure. Conclusions are  concurred..

Snarky sarcasm still  emanates from  the usual suspects. Less of late. They seldom challenge  solid  reasoning.

Council's decision to spend $94,000 for a consultant to design sidewalks is  inexcusable extravagance.

 It builds not a foot of sidewalk

Other departments construct such projects  without  benefit of  consultants..

A consultant has none of the  skills  experienced staff  have at their fingertips.

Information used by  consultants, they  have to get  from staff


  1. I'm not sure if the Money Pit on Oak Island in the Maritimes has been declared a tourist attraction.
    Perhaps we should consider listing Aurora Town Hall
    as our version to earn a bit of revenue. But do we know
    anyone good at saving money ? Seem to be plenty of the other type around. It could not just be another
    not=for-profit venture. We need to make some money.

  2. This is making me more and more bewildered. If
    Aurora can handle the sidewalks itself, we are we not just getting on with the job ? Wouldn't that save money
    that could be used for the Youth Centre or the new
    park everyone seemed so keen on creating ?

  3. Have you ever considered your knowledge and experience to be a disadvantage because quite clearly you are seriously challenged to get your fellow members on side, Last term there was no hope at all with all the personal attacks, animosity and jealousy that your knowledge garnered, This term the air around your circles is smelling of sweet congeniality and willingness to do what’s right for the tax payers yet still you are faced with resistance to cut the fat, the frills, the 0 value added initiatives and get back to basic government over a mere 50 + thousand minions

  4. Let's cut to the chase and ignore hurt feelings. If
    you have an investment advisor who keeps telling you
    to put YOUR money into questionable projects, you
    stop taking his advice and look around for someone
    who has more business reliability.

  5. If you and Stephanie were to change shoes for an hour or so, whose feet would hurt most?


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