Friday 10 August 2012

It's My Blog, If YOu Don't MInd.

Anonymous said...To 8 August, 2012 4:45 PM....

Other than Evelyn's musings, who said that Aurora is doing the same thing?

I would remind everyone, including our host, that this blog is called "Our Town and its Business" and not "Their Town and our Business"

Anonymous said...To 8 August, 2012 4:45 PM....

Other than Evelyn's musings, who said that Aurora is doing the same thing?

I would remind everyone, including our host, that this blog is called "Our Town and its Business" and not "Their Town and our Business"

I would refer  the reader  to the report of the Director of Environment and Infrastructure, previously known as Public Works Director, on the subject of colour of the town's fleet of vehicles.
I will publish it next week. if I  find it after the house is tidied for  the week-end. 
The Director's report  informed Council the  colour  white, was   chosen  by  administrative decision.
In other words,  Council was not consulted. 
The report  states colour  is a means of branding. 
It  further notes half a dozen municipalities. the Region, Power Stream  and .Enbridge Gas have all chosen  white..
If branding is a means of distinguishing  one municipality from another or from a private utility, how is it accomplished by everyone having the same colour  ?
I suspect it means administrations throughout the Region  and the not distinguish between the Region and  neighbouring municipalities.
We are told Treasurers throughout the Region  conference about how rates are to be charged for water.  Meter rate increases locally are attributed  to Regional  rate increases. If all  Treasurers  agree together what regional rate increases are to be,  would that not be called " fixing "  prices in the private sector?
Is that not why monopolies have to obtain government approval for price increases ?
A "Pending" Report will be submitted  to Council in August. 
The last  was in April. 
It's  coming up close to a year since Council approved  several resolutions for certain actions to be undertaken. 
I expect to see them listed on the Pending Report. Without progress noted. As they were in April.
Council did not direct staff to  review  " Customer Service " . Staff  recommended a " Program" be purchased without direction for review  from Council.  No report noted  unsatisfactory customer service.
One  reason for the recommendation was the Towns of Newmarket and Whitchurch-Stouffville  had purchased the program .
In response to the comment published above, a perspective  is formed with  time  and observation.
This Council started with three members making  a point of  detachmentfrom the newly elected body.
Councillor Gaertner repeatedly emphasised  loyalty to defeated comrades.   

Gradually it has become apparent , the  role  has steadily been. diminished 
The Mayor and CAO  have  meetings with this organisation and that, discussing whatever.
Council. as a whole,  is brought into the picture after the fact when   approval is sought without opportunity for  input.
The Mayor becomes peevish when "good ideas" do  not  receive  proper appreciation.   
In the meantime, direction  given to staff  by resolution of Council  is simply disregarded.
The role of Municipal Clerk is  to ensure Council's direction is followed. Pending reports  are  prepared by the Clerk . 
The role of  Presiding Member is to ensure the authority of Council is paramount.
What happens when the Presiding Member doesn't understand that  role ? 
Chaos and confusion ,that's what


  1. If the residents had options as to where they wanted to purchase their water, I would agree that it is price fixing. However, we only have one source.

    We could probably save money as residents if we did away with the middleman for our water. There is no value to having the Town do the distribution.

    The truck colour thing is just fluff and a waste of council time. I think council has better things to do than debate truck colour. If the colour is branding, did the Town get copyright protection of their "brand"? Personally I think the MNR beat you to the puch with green trucks along time ago. Maybe we should look for a colour no one else uses instead??

  2. It is difficult to get enthusiastic about Mayor's Dawe's ' good ideas' when they are usually copy-cats from the administration or from another Mayor. The Birthday party idea started off properly and then he decided that that was the extent of his contribution. We would hire the job out..
    Hopefully this volunteer team can cut through the inertia of staff and a few of the councillors. But it certainly has ceased to be The Mayor's Idea. Probably a good thing as he ' wasn't going to be able to drive that bus." And staff were not interested - too busy to handle the extra work.

  3. There was 'talk' about an additional Council meeting to catch up on all the unfinished business. That was a 'good idea'. Is it going to happen? Otherwise the last good idea was the termination clause & we saw how well that ended up.

  4. Question for Clarification, please.
    If the Director of Environment & Infrastructure took it upon himself to develop a lengthy opus to Council beyond what was requested, can he be asked to work it off on a project where input is requested? A secondary question: Could it have been someone higher up on the ranking ladder who pushed this thing so far?

  5. Are you saying that this Council is just as screwed up as its predecessor, only for different reasons?

    That is truly depressing.

  6. OK, I will bite. If everyone is a " Director ", how come Council is so far behind on so many items ? Is no one managing the Town Hall?


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