Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Some Are Best Forgotten

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dal...":

"I cannot believe it. Someone has already made a comment referring back to Bob Rae. He is still to blame for this too? That was how many governments and years ago? The man held office for a single term."

How many times do we still here references (especially from municipal political types) about Mike Harris?

Not many.
I think we might prefer to forget Mr. Harris.
His successor isn't making too good an impression either.


  1. And so it continues.... Bob Rae did the best he could, but Mike Harris was a radical.

    The truth is found in how the economy faired under each of them. Harris was the clear winner. The left has a hard time coming to grips with that.

  2. You are right. Earnie Eaves did not have much time at all to make an impression!

  3. Were any of the Harris inner circle still married at the end of that period?


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