Monday, 8 October 2012


Great Day In The Morning
Ours to celebrate.
The right to say what we think.
See  it in print .
For others to make what they like of it.
Good bad or indifferent.

This Blog started in 2007
In reaction to  circumstances
That made it  clear; nothing I had to say
Would make a difference 

Not for sure did I know
What  Blog  might do
I had a hunch that's all
And hope for a clue

Encourage more action
In  political affairs
Make people  aware  
Of  the need for a change.  

More did not vote
But they did engage
A decision was made
Otherwise remote

It was everything needed  .
To show the power is there
When choice must be made 
Things need not stay the same.

You did it once, 
You can do it again 
No need to wait 
For  years to pass

Just keep on posting 
Seeing it in print 
Making what can be made of it
Good bad or indifferent


  1. Let's hope it's mainly good

    Keep it up, Evelyn.

    You are an essential service.

    Happy and well-earned Thanksgiving.

  2. Thank you, Evelyn, for the laughter amid the snarls. Always appreciated.


  3. Hope your Holiday has been a good one! Rest & sleep.

  4. "When choice must be made
    Things need not stay the same.

    You did it once,
    You can do it again"

    So, you've spoken before about a slate of candidates trying to be voted in. Now, you seem to be advocating voting out a slate.

    How many councillors are in your group to bounce? It sounds like you are including the mayor - is that right?

  5. 11:40 AM
    Once again, you have jumped to conclusions. Please desist.

  6. The Mayor needs to go.

    I am embarrassed I supported him, however, we needed the wicked one out and now we have to remove the scarecrow.

    OZ all over again...

    Been said before;Mr.Heard was right about this being like OZ.


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