"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Come out .Come out...whoever you are

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Good Morning Aurora": I think a lot of the negativity directed toward Mayor Dawe on this blog is ill-founded. Just because he's proven to be less compliant to Cllr Buck's way of thinking? Because he doesn't defer to her ad nauseum-voiced vast experience or rely on her self-proclaimed expertise on all matters Town Council? He's hardly alone in that regard - now or during previous terms - it seems all (but one) of her fellow councillors find little value in Cllr Buck and her bloviated dissent for dissent's sake. _______________________________ I think a lot of the negativity directed towards the Mayor is derived from his opinions stated in a public forum. I don't put words into the Mayor's mouth. It's enough to find the right words to express my views on behalf of the people who elected me. The whine above is not unfamiliar to be sure. The problem with our modern day politicians is they can't get used to our modern days. The social media is well and truly entrenched If I went around telling people the things I do, it would be seen as back stabbing. But the blog is up front and open. My name is there for all to see. Errors or omissions or misrepresentations can be challenged. The Mayor holds public office. When He speaks he is deemed to be speaking for the public. The onus is for anyone who disagrees to say so, His comments are rightfully subject to scrutiny. There's no personal feud. Simply a gap in political perspective. It was probably always there but took two and a half years to emerge. Given different backgrounds why should a different perspective be a surprise or a secret. Whatever...his opinions are out there and his name is attached. .as are mine with my name attached.. Now , who is this person above who claims to speak for so many and so far back,in defense of the Mayor.


Anonymous said...

It's the same old grouch we've had ever since the last election. Seldom misses a day or an opportunity to demonstrate it's ' dry ' wit. Has missed getting it's own Blog back up for the new year which I believe was an error. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

4:17.. who are you talking about? Why so secret?

Anonymous said...

The only personal animosity towards fellow councillors and staff has come from that one trio of individuals. Evelyn does not confuse a disagreement over an item with anything more. It took Gaertner months before she would address the Mayor by his title.

Anonymous said...

To those of us who follow Council and GC meetings, it has become obvious that were it not

for the knowledge and good disposition of the Director of Parks and Recreation, Al Downey,

and for his ability to rise to all challenges, much of our town would simply cease to function.

Well done Mr. Downey, and thank you.

Carry on your excellent work.

Anonymous said...

12:23 PM, you are reading the blog posts here, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

2:12 PM
Someone was hectoring about a book on manners and public decorum. The Blog is not the same setting as a Council meeting. Thought you would understand that without a diagram.

Anonymous said...

To 2:12 PM
That is an option, as is reading any other web-site or following those twits.