So, I've been listening to news
The updated story about the Illustrious Senator Mike Duffy. Who perched on a stool in the loobby of Parliament for years and was acclaimed for his erudition by politicians of all stripes.
The gilt has worn off the gingerbead so-to-speak. Senator Humpty Dumpty Duffy turns out not to be so squeaky clean as to justiufy his appointment to the August body of the Senate.
Seems Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Chief of staff made a gift of $90.000 to Duffy to repay the ill-gotten gains siphoned from the public treasury.
The Prime Minister's Chief of Staff is apparently a multi-millionaire. He just handed over a cheque as a gift. He's probably the one who advised the Prime Minister he needed a new image. One with a personality.
We had a conversation about that on Sunday at the family gathering. The consesus was the effort has failed. Events contrived to create a warm and fuzzy feeling about Stephen Harper have all been for nought. Slightly nauseating in fact. He is still minus a personality.
Now we have the Honorable Peter Van Loan making statements about Duffy having "shown leadership" by re-paying money he should not have claimed in the first place.
You have to wonder what kind of air freshener they us in the Halls of Parliament that makes them think people can be taken in so easily.
They continue to add insult to injury.
This observation is not an advertisement. It is not paid for by anyone .
It is written by me, myself, alone.
What kind of fools do hey think we are? Or maybe they don't. Maybe they are just so G.D. arrogant they think they don't need to worry about what wethink
Mike Duffy is not alone in the stupidity department. Two of the other Senators are refusing to repay the money deemed to have been received when it was not merited. I expect Senator Brazeau may be close to being bust - which would remove him from the Senate as quickly as a felony conviction. But the Liberal Senator is well-heeled & has still hired a big-name to represent him.
National Post
Matt Gurney
" How can the Tories keep Mike Duffy on now?
I can't see how they can get rid of him.
Yes, they think we are dumb. But the PMO has set a very bad precedent. If someone pays off the debts of a Senator who is not a personal friend, then every other senator is entitled to claim equal treatment.
Duffy is not longer in caucus. He joins Barezeau and Penashue. But the latter could return as a Senator.
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