Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Price of Legend

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No names..No pack drill":

Capability Brown, during the 18th century designed over 170 parks.

He has been called "England's greatest gardener."

He planted many of what are today referred to as "Heritage" trees.

I wonder what one of his parks would look like in Aurora

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 23 April 2014 13:13


In 1956 the worst fog  in history enveloped London for weeks. Thousands of elderly and  people with bronchial problems suffocated  and died. 

The government  was forced to take action  and institute smoke-free  zones. . Only anthracite,
non- sulpherous - smoke- producing hard fuel could be burned. Gradually the zones were extended  until London's air once again  became breathable. 

Old photographs of  urban centres anywhere in the U.K.  show grime and  greyness of constantly smoking chimneys. 

The first thing that impressed me about Canada  was how high and how blue was the sky.

Years after  prohibition on  coal burning  , Harrow-smith gardeners'  magazine did a study on the 
effect on English  gardens. 

The Legendary gardens were no more. Turned out pollution was good for growing and vibrancy of colour. 

The same  effect can be noticed  around Hamilton ,Ontario . You can feel the grit between your teeth 
but rambling roses  climb the chain link factory fences and multiply like dandelions. 

I think  parks in England were probably similarly affected. They don't  experience  heat and extremes of temperatures like ours,  They  have four distinct seasons.  They likely still have beautiful flower beds. But not like they were in the  smoke and soot-filled atmosphere of the nineteenth 
and twentieth century.


  1. London also got the heck bomber out of it & their parks are terrific. Aurorans need to lighten up & put their " heritage " into perspective. We are but a small place with a lot of pretentious goof-balls. There are much older towns throughout Ontario that do not give themselves such airs.

  2. Aurorans should be as interested in and proud of our town's history as a resident of any other place in Ontario.

    It is uniquely ours.

  3. Aargh ! no streaming !

  4. 17:09
    Sorry. Nothing unique about it.

  5. @ 17:09
    With books & the Internet there is no excuse for being so narrow. You really need to stretch your imagination.

  6. I still haven't figured out why leaves cannot be burned in the fall while we continue to heat and cool our homes. And people fire up their grills outside all summer. And throw chemicals into their pools. Like burning the leaves made a difference to the foliage and air. Piffle.

  7. 17:09
    The Museum is in Whitchurch/Stouffville.
    The Pioneer village we take the kids to is in Georgina.

  8. 19:42
    Exactly! And what about pouring used motor oil down the sewers like we used to do? Or shooting those pesky squirills with my .22 rifle?

    Man, we certainly need to get back to a simpler time.

  9. Parking lot filled by 7. Residents expecting Council to make an informed decision after much debate: Referred or deferred until June ???????????

  10. I wonder if we could get a rebate from communications. Last night was a total screw-up. They actually ended up tweeting a time for the meeting when it was already supposed to have begun according to their earlier stuff.

  11. 8:43
    They are my squirrels. There is no season on them. It is also perfectly legal now to shoot doves.

  12. 18:08, show us *another* history of Aurora, Ontario, Canada.

  13. @ 10:30
    Roasted or in a Brunswick Stew ?

  14. 10:30
    It is not legal in Aurora >>>


    For the purposes of public safety, the discharge of guns or other firearms, airguns, spring guns, cross-bows, long-bows or any other weapon are prohibited or regulated.

    If you require more information, please contact the By-law Services division by phone at 905-727-3123 ext. 4240 or by email to"

  15. The cartoon is the Auroran is a keeper. Someone put it up beside the office photocopier. Has anyone asked that guy if he would be willing to run for Council ?

  16. This thing with York is moving very fast. I do hope you are being kept in the loop, Evelyn.

  17. 13:04 Gottcha !
    Man, you are an easy touch.

  18. I would like to know, when we are allowed the information, who else made submissions to York. The fact that the bids are to be narrowed down to 2 { source: Banner ] really does not convey much.

  19. 18:40- The Error is a free comic book at my door step a couple of times a week and a great kitty litter liner.

  20. 17:02, what are you, 12?

  21. Off-topic
    The Supremes have shot down Mr Harper's reform plans.

  22. 21:19
    I quite agree. But finding information on anything Council is doing is like finding hen's teeth.

  23. Aurora/Newmarket DID NOT make the cut !!!!!

  24. According to the Auroran before it crashed from over-loading, it would appear that the bid with Newmarket was not accepted.

  25. Markham, Richmond Hill & Vaughan.

  26. 12:08-minutes of meeting when they decide to post them are pretty good. Evelyn has been my go to person for years.

  27. Meanwhile Cllr Gallo is twitting about the Trails Committee !!!!!!

  28. Deadline for Petch House designs is April 30th.

  29. This is a very quiet town.

  30. Surprise...surprise. Aurora/Newmarket didn't make the cut.

  31. The poll on the Auroran in still accepting votes about whether or not people want the Aurora/Newmarket project. That is the very first time I have seen an error from them.

  32. Please, Evelyn. When the dust settles, could we get back to that meeting about the designation of the NE area ? I was unable to find any streaming and am only getting contradictory reports of who said what and what happened.


  33. It's unfortunate that TWITS, TWEETS and all those who participate in this nefarious scheme don't require a licence so that our town's airwaves weren't polluted by them.

    The same stink seems to be returning.


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