Monday 13 October 2008

And so on

I have received two more comments. There's a reference to the Liberal Leadership and one to Tim Jones failure to increase taxes when he was Mayor. Imagine being "accused" of not increasing taxes.

There's a basic principle about taxes. When there is new development such as Canadian Tire doubling their space, apartment buildings , new industrial buildings, and restaurants appearing, it all means increased revenue to the town.

When new homes and families arrive there are increased costs for services. New homes funnel in additional revenues to town coffers.

When small houses are demolished to make room for homes three times as big, three times the assessment is derived from an existing lot and three times the taxes.

When new wealth pours in and taxes still rise, people should wonder where all the new money went?

I can give you a hint; The town's award for heritage preservation, cost more than three million dollars to win . There would likely not be many municipalities in Ontario in the competition.

In the matter of the Liberal leadership race and reference to the religion of Bob Rae's wife. I never heard such a thing. I don't believe it.Not in the Liberal Party.

I did observe Gerard Kennedy's influence. I believe he brought the youth vote to Stephan Dione. If Liberals do not do well in this election, Gerard Kennedy and the youth vote will be the reason.

If the unlikeable Stephen Harper gets elected, throw-away votes to the N.D.P. and the Green Party will be the reason .

We are within days of Remembrance Day when people stand in front of the Cenotaph and think of young lives lost in service to their country. We will dwell on the reason.

Now despite their sacrifice, another generation of young Canadians are in a terrible place, thousands of miles from home, where no war has been declared and the Geneva Convention means nothing. They are being waylaid, ambushed and murdered for reasons which are by no means clear and even less justified.

To-morrow, votes will be cast with the best of intentions. We will all live with the results. I anticipate we will have spent another thirty-nine million dollars on an election which will change little.

Five political parties in the race, each espousing easy answers for vexing questions, is a recipe for nothingness. Our system only works properly with two political parties.

Until voters come to terms with that reality, we will keep spending millions on elections with entirely nebulous results.

That's my opinion. Thank you to all who participated.


  1. Evelyn. You really disappoint me.
    There is definite anti-semetism in the Liberal Party. please use this link to corroborate my earlier assertion.
    If you really want to follow up on my claim Google Bob Rae wife is Jewish. You may be horrified to read that the LiberalParty is guilty of some of the same innuendoes they have made about the Tories!

  2. Followed the links provided and it seems the writer was on to some shenanigans within the Liberal Party not widely reported (surprise, surprise). Also shed some light on why Stephane Dion was the compromise choice as Leader.As for Gerrard Kennedy, it seems he delivered more than the youth vote.Will you now take back the statement "never in the Liberal Party"??


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