Wednesday 13 May 2009

A Fundraiser for a Worthwhile Cause

My daughter Heather and her family are involved in an annual fundraiser in the Town of Newmarket
My grandson Adam is a goalie in a hockey league for players of various abilities and ages. As happens, the league started with one team and gradually expanded. There's a team in Barrie, one in Cambridge and a third in Newmarket; all spun from the initiative of one caring Dad.

Once a year, the team travels to a tournament elsewhere.

It requires transportation, accommodation, team jerseys ,equipment etc.etc. Team members need two support people. Usually parents. In Adam's case, he has three. His sister. Robin goes along. She is active in the fund-raising, knows the support needed and can pitch in wherever . Robin is fifteen years old.

The team is well equipped. At Christmas a social event happens. They receive top quality jackets with numbers and crests and hockey bags. The gathering cements friendship and the cohesion needed for the parents to provide the same kind of experience for their children that others take for granted.

The fund-raiser makes it possible

It happens at the Newmarket Senior Centre There's a dance. refreshments, an auction and multiple raffles and guessing games to raise money. Each family has a number of tickets to sell and they are sold at the door as well.

Substantial prizes are gathered for the auction. A week at Disney for a family of four was on the block one year. People come back again and again. They look forward to the event but the auction is the greatest attraction. The facility is always filled to capacity.

Adam's entire family spend the day at the centre making things ready. They provide the refreshments ,make the sandwiches and. set out the tables. Adam and friends put out the chips and cheesies keep the bowls filled throughout the evening.They socialise with the guests and dance with the ladies.

Brothers Keenan andAaron and Keenan's girlfriend Carey shift tables into place and do any other heavy work that's needed.. Robyn circulates the room selling tickets for the guessing games. Dad and friend Bob are the bar-tenders and it's a five hour stint. A table of ten from a group home are invited guests and they have a wonderful social evening .

They dance, they kibbutz, they chuckle and laugh and know that they belong.

Everyone works hard but it's a labour of love and the proceeds are substantial.

Every penny is carefully spent and accounted for. Proceeds from the various projects are itemised. The fee for the facility is paid to the Town of Newmarket. They do not request fees be waived by the town. The music is paid for and the license.

It's an exciting event and a good time is had by all . The benefits, as noted above are substantial.

One year they made $14k .Last year, the final tally was $11k. Our communities are generous in support of worthwhile causes.

1 comment:

  1. There you go - I've moved this from the personal blog to here for you. It shows as ME posting it, but oh well.


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