Saturday 23 May 2009

Like a Rubik Cube

The story unfolds:

My last post noted the Mayor had stated in an e-mail the Dream Team is not a town initiative. I had made that point several times previously in comments to the Aurora Citizen I wasn't sure why it needed to be repeated.

It transpires I may have been wrong . In the same e-mail, the Mayor stated, $150. paid from five Councillors' expense account for tickets to the wing-ding held at the Legion in mid -March to raise "awareness", not funds, for the July 1st Parade. was re-imbursed by the Dream Team, not the July 1st Parade sub-committee of the town's Leisure Services Advisory Committee who organised the party which was not a fund-raiser , to the town treasury to be earmarked for the purchase of flags for the Canada Day Parade

Further to that:

A Memorandum dated May 19th from Director of Finance,Mr.Dan Elliott, in response to a question from the Mayor on April 28th. was an add-on to the Council-in-committee agenda of May 19th.

The Mayor's question :

Did the town provide funding to the Aurora Dream Team?

The Director's answer:

"The Aurora Dream Team has not been the recipient of town funds with the exception of payment for the purchase of event attendance tickets as follows:

March 31,2008 $400 for the purchase of four tickets for Members of
Council(Councillors Granger,MacEachern,Wilson and Mayor Morris)
March 31,2009 $150 for the purchase of five $30."We're Canadian Ay!"
event attendance tickets for members of Council (Councillor Gaertner,
Granger,MacEachern.Wilson, and Mayor Morris).

The memo notes an approved council administration budget and further

"Following the 2009 "We're Canadian Ay" event, the town received $150.00 as proceeds from this event for the purchase of flags for parade day.The $150.00 was provided in the form of returning our town cheque originally sent for the payment of the event tickets noted above".

The memo ends:

"I trust the foregoing addresses the question sufficiently."

Now you know everything I know. I have had the Memorandum since I sat down at the Council table on Tuesday evening. The complete text must be on the town's web site since it was included on the agenda of the meeting of May 19th.

I will end this post here and allow time to digest the information presented.

I am publishing without the assistance of my trusty volunteer assistant Heather Sisman.

I apologise if lines are slightly higgledy-piggledy. Except for relaying it to you. I take no responsibility for the information contained herein. It is all documented in the Treasurer's

1 comment:

  1. you just gave me a headache

    so many twists and turns

    and no real answer


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