Tuesday 19 May 2009

The Ubiquitous Sher St. Kitts

Sher St Kitts has a public personna. Is it unique? It is not. Do I have an opinion? Indeed I do.

Ms St Kitts has been a frequent visitor in the Aurora Council Chamber during this term. The Mayor clearly admires the lady and encourages her to speak at length about her activities

Usually we have a full slate of town business ahead. But no matter.

I feel for staff in the situation. The majority of council obviously feel it is part of their function to spend hours in audience for a variety of non-business. Otherwise, they would use their authority to stop it.

Directors have been in their offices since early morning and undoubtedly will not see their homes again until early morning of the following day. Much of the evening will be spent
listening to Sher St. Kitts self-promotion and other spokespersons the Mayor has encountered the previous week.Many asking for free use of town facilities, others simply to exploit the cameras to promote their endeavours.

We frequently watch people being presented with awards already received in some other location and time. Santa Claus and July 1st Parades are two.

Last time we saw Ms.St.K. was budget night. An allocation had been made for the parade. She said it was not enough. She had a list on a handwritten note, of bands she intended to book for the occasion at a total of $11,300k. Council were informed "No bands.No parade."

Councillor MacEachern moved $2,000k be taken from the parks budget and given to Ms.St.K

Readers will remember the vigorous debate about why we should give parks sufficient money to build furniture in their workshop. Why should we not just buy in a hardware store where it is so much cheaper?

Mr. Tree, Parks Manager had to do a complete report ... contact three companies who make furniture, not the same as patio furniture, and get prices for each item .

He had to list supplies needed to build the items. Councillors had to know thenumber and price of every lineal foot of material to help them make the decision.

The report was several pages long. Probably submit it to his Superior, Director of Leisure Services who likely had to have it reviewed by his Superior, Chief Administrative Officer who probably ran it by his fearsome boss, Mayor Morris before it finally arrived at council. It was received without comment.

Back to Ms St.K., no reference was made to proceeds from the Legion event in support of the Parade when she came to demand more money.

Not wishing to look foolish and disappoint my colleague Councillor MacEachern who frequently comments on my competence, I sought answers quietly and discreetly.

What was the tally from the Legion event. Where is the accounting? I asked a number of people ending up with the Town Treasurer. No-one had answers.

I obtained copies of sub-committee reports to Leisure Services Committee, chaired by Councillor MacEachern.

Before the Legion shin-dig, a report noted a couple of mobile signs had been placed on Wellington St. for two weeks at a cost of $150. Committee members would sell ten tickets each .

The later report noted all tickets (150) had been sold, a great time was had by all. The event was fully paid for.
What does that mean I thought. I called a committee member and asked. .

" Well" she said "we had caterers and entertainers to pay for. No money was left over. I didn't see you there Evelyn"

It seems all but three councillors attended.

People in the community have questions. In particular they have noted the promotion of Mr. St. Kitts business as a band entertainer It's hard not to. His name was on the mobile signs on Wellington Street.

As a councillor, residents expect me to answer questions. I could not. I had been trying. I drew the matter to the attention of Neil Garbe our new CAO. He did not dismiss it.

More time went by. I heard nothing. I put my concerns in writing for the record and sent it to Mr. Garbe in confidence on the morning of April 20th. I expressed my sense that a scandal was brewing and we needed answers.

I noted " it's a lot easier for a scandal to take hold than it is to allay public suspicions after it becomes full-blown"

Still no answers. When it seemed the wing-ding at the Legion was not a fund-raiser in
support of a community event, another thought occurred .

Councillors have an expense allowance. Because of many requests,they may use their allowance to buy tickets for events such as fund-raisers. I don't do it. If I am attending a fund-raiser for a charitable cause, I think I should use my own resources.

But it occurred to me, if councillors attended the affair at the Legion because they thought it was a fund-raiser,they might have used their expense allowance. That would indicate they too thought it was a fund-raiser. I asked the new Treasurer Dan Elliott. I have that authority.

He said, he had been directed to look into the issue. Rightly so. When I bring a concern to the attention of those who have authority to uncover facts and determine things are as they should be...or not... I have done my due diligence.

Days later Sher St.Kitts once more exploded on the scene in public forum at council. With support and encouragement from her friend the Mayor and full of righteous indignation she delivered a verbal assault upon myself for a dastardly attack upon her and fellow volunteer committee members. All apparently in the audience.

The Mayor indicated she had already arranged a meeting between herself, new Chief AdministrativeOfficer, Neil Garbe and new Town solicitor, Christopher Cooper for 10.30a.m, the following morning to conduct "an inquiry"

The Mayor invited a resolution from Council directing Ms St.K's presentation be transferred to the formal part of the agenda in order for her unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations and allegations to become part of the public record. Further, she asked for a resolution to direct herself, the Cao and the solicitor to hold the inquiry noted above.

Councillor Grainger and MacEachern obliged. Both motions were put to a single vote. The process was challenged. Director of Corporate Serices was requested to cite reference to the procedure bylaw which allowed the vote..

Motion to waive the procedural bylaw was cited. The Mayor declared the vote passed.
The requirement for two-thirds majority was raised. The vote was five to three. Again the Mayor declared the vote had passed.

It had not. Two thirds of eight is not five. Two thirds of an even number can not be rounded off to a lesser number to make a decision legal.

When a presiding member doesn't know her elbow from a hole in the ground in the matter of procedure and is nevertheless blindly determined to have her way, by hook or by crook and a consistent warranty of four votes at the table, there arrives point when mayhem is inevitable.... Then discretion becomes the better part of valour.

Ten, ten year old children, with teachers and parents were in the council chamber to be recognized for excellence in achievement.

A second group of high school students with their teachers came to present an award to the town for excellence in achievement.

For forty minutes they had been witness to a disgraceful display of hubris by elected officials.
It's only to be hoped their young minds were occupied by other thoughts.

It was no time for hell to break loose in the Council Chamber and certainly not over the question of who is the aggrieved party in the matter of an affair held under the auspices of the town, moneys spent and moneys received and no account rendered.


  1. "her elbow from a hole in the ground". The proper expression is "She doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground."

    So what was the outcome of the meeting on Wednesday morning?????? Please don't keep us waiting!

  2. Is it the same Ms. St. Kitts that hires her husband Mr. St. Kitts to provide the entertainment at the Dream Team functions. Does anyone see a conflict there?

  3. EB wrote "Last time we saw Ms.St.K. was budget night. An allocation had been made for the parade. She said it was not enough. She had a list on a handwritten note, of bands she intended to book for the occasion at a total of $11,300k. Council were informed "No bands.No parade."

    Did part of the 10K given to St. Kitts make it to her husbands band which also performed at the Wing Ding. Am I missing something. A volunteer using her spouse in a paid role with taxpayers monies. If this indeed is the case ....Something stinks here.

  4. $11,300k - that's a mighty big budget for a local activity, unless the "k" is in error. If not, $11,000 for quality performers is a reasonable fund whether they are related to an organiser or not. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise people who spend a lot of their time in community activities.


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