Monday 8 June 2009

Addendum 1 to Baseball Chronicle

After the decision to save a couple of hundred thousand by not grading and servicing the community park at the same time as the ball diamond, Councillor Wendy Gaertner moved the design of the rest of the park be referred to the Leisure Services Advisory Committee.

And so it was done.

Councillor Evelina MacEachern is chairperson of the committee.

So we pared about a couple of hundred thousand of development levy money from the sensible development of a community park identified as a need in the Master Recreation Plan and therefore included in the calculation and collected.

But we included $250.k to spend on the former water tower site, which is encircled by homes on Davis Road, Henderson Drive and the Mosaic Town House complex to be paid $225k out of development charge levies and $25k out of Cash in Lieu of parkland.

I have come to realise, children will not be safe from harm in that location. The need was not identified in the Master Recreation Plan. Therefore not included in the last calculation of development charges. Nor would it qualify because the need has not been created by new growth.

There is no record of a request from the neighbourhood. The park was not recommended by staff nor were they consulted before the decision was made.

Councillor Evelina MacEachern moved the motion in Council.I seconded the motion. I think that was unwise.

Last week, Minutes of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee noted an e-mail had been received by the Committee from chairperson, Councillor Evelina MacEachern.

It recommended certain improvements in the leash free dog park on the Industrial Parkway.

The facility was created by a group of dog owners. At their request, land was provided by the town. They took responsibility for the expenditures. And rightfully so. There is a formal agreement between the town and the committee of dog-owners.

There is no indication the committee has ceased to exist. Although they are responsible, cost of the improvements are negligible and will not only provide comfort for the users but will also present a more pleasing view for the passing throng.

BUT a not so subtle change in roles is apparently happening between political and administrative responsibility for daily operation of town services. Apparently without concern from the Chief Administrator's Office.

We are currently having a consultant do an organisational study of the town's organization.It was budgeted in 2008 but didn't happen. It is costing $95k and being paid out of the general levy. That means property tax .

We also have money in the budget for an annual off site workshop for the management team to "learn" management skills. Over the next three years total cost will be $45k.... $15k each year. A one day session has already been held at St Andrew's Golf Club.We didn't hear if it was the full $15k dollars worth

Now, I'm just a little old lady who has never held a job in the business world and by some references that means I am not competent to comment on anything much of any significance. But it does seem to me a person earning between one and two hundred thousand dollars a year should already have the level of expertise required for the position he holds.

Aurora's new Council was provided with no such opportunity when they first took office. Bless their foolish hearts, they obviously had no idea how badly it was needed. Contrary to a practice which had been in place for a couple of decades, at a cost considerably less than that provided this year for senior management to learn the skills necessary for their responsibility.

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