Tuesday 2 June 2009

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar

When I came back in 2003, I ended a speech at an all-candidates meeting. With my arm raised and my fist clenched. I made that promise.

I wasn't foolin' .

It has always been my practice to state my opposition clearly when I believe the community will be ill-served. I am equally emphatic in my support of what I think is best .

Yes, it offends those who disagree but not all.The majority appreciate frankness where they find it. It disconcerts the average politician whose longevity depends on mastering the skill of obfuscation rather than clarity.That's what makes them average.

I have never been a comfortable bedfellow to the comfortable.

I am proud to have been elected time and again on behalf of a sufficient number to give me a seat at the table as their voice and spokesperson.

In Aurora as elsewhere in Ontario. the tradition has been once an election is over those who have been chosen get down to work together for the betterment of the community they promised to serve.

It has not been that way in our town for a number of years. It's the reason I put my name forward in 2003, after an absence of fourteen years.

What we have here is worth the fight.

Yes, people know I'm there. Yes, you will always know what's going down. .

It is what I promised.

It is what I will continue to deliver.

With my Blog ... as good as the best and better than the rest.

My head is unbowed.

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