Monday 31 August 2009

An Election is a Celebration

of the rights, privileges and responsibilities we enjoy as citizens of this beautiful country.

It's a positive event. It's about choosing people. Not about rejecting them. A candidate cannot be defeated. A candidate must be elected.

It's why a sense of what a candidate is about is all important. Elections are different at the municipal level. Better. A member of council has the opportunity to exercise independent judgement and is personally accountable for the vote he or she casts .A citizen has the right to influence the vote.

An incumbent has an edge because of experience and familiarity. It can be about popularity but only if it's earned. It can be about respect but that too must be earned.

A candidate must make his or her intentions known sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence. There's never enough.

Those who vote, don't do so lightly.Whatever the reasons for their choice, it's theirs to make. Choosing eight names out of twenty is not simple. Choosing one or two is and it's always an option.

When a voter picks one or two with the opportunity to choose eight names that's an opportunity lost. A ballot marked randomly is equally squandered.

A friendly, respectful face at the door or a voice on the phone can make the difference.

Nothing is appreciated more than a personal request for support. It's a mark of respect. Do not ask for a declaration. Voters are jealous of their right to a secret ballot. If they want to talk ...listen. You need to know what people are thinking .

Even if people have no intention of voting, they are civil when approached. Keep in mind, they are not sitting in their homes waiting for a knock on the door or a phone call. Don't impose. If they give you time, tell them about yourself and what you think. It must be relevant.

They want to know your perception of issues . They want to hear your ideas for solutions. They want to form an impression of who you are.You owe it when you ask for their vote

A candidate must be prepared to make an investment in time and resources. People expect it.
Money isn't enough. Mostly it's time. Time to pay attention to the town's affairs and to show awareness. Time to seek out details and propose credible solutions.

People don't expect new candidates to have experience. But serious effort is expected .They allow time to learn. A chosen candidate is an investment in hope and trust. Interest is keen and constant. Scores are kept.

Signs of growth encourages the voter to believe in their own judgement. No visibility is curious and disappointing. Bluff and bluster without substance are not appreciated.

Never....never.... underestimate the attention or political intuition of the average citizen.

Arrogant abuse of delegated power, if broadly perceived, generates a powerful sense of betrayal and distrust. There are consequences.

The circle closes. And another election is held.

1 comment:

  1. You are very eloquent, Ms. Buck. Could you perhaps give Mr. Granger a few pointers in how to string words together coherently?


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