Friday 2 October 2009

Mississauga Hazel

The news is that Hazel , Mississauga's Icon, declared a conflict once and didn't the second time. There is to be a judicial review.

Based on Hazel's reputation. it will likely be found that she did the deed but not in bad faith. It was a mistake.

That's what happened with the former Mayor of East Gwillimbury a couple of years ago.

The serious aspect of this matter is that the minutes were "doctored". The municipal clerk
created a record showing the mayor had declared the second time. The video record of the meeting proved differently

I think the municipal clerk is at far greater risk than Mayor McCallion . The statutory responsibility to maintain accurate records is a serious responsibility.Falsifying the record is a criminal offence. We should all watch what happens in Mississauga for our own enlightenment.

Have you seen that crazy ad the town has put out for the position of municipal clerk? How likely is it a person with qualifications is going to plow through that verbiage to discover that's the job they're seeking.

1 comment:

  1. Weren't we questioning the validity of what appeared in council or GC minutes compared to the video evidence here in Aurora recently? Could we find out how Mississauga managed to expose this questionable practice so successfully and replicate in Aurora?


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