Thursday 1 October 2009

Everybody Knows

My age. Even the Globe and Mail put it in headlines.

I am prepared to concede some of my values and principles may be slightly old-fashioned. But they are mine. I'm not prepared to abandon them unless something better presents.

Here's a test; circumstances of a similar nature have caught my attention over a period of months

On a need to know basis, I need to know other people's reaction. Don't forget. I have a seat on council to keep an eye out for your interest.

This week, on a sparse agenda , these items presented..

A fervent appeal for food to be donated to food banks for people who do not have enough to keep body and soul together.(5000 in York Region)

Communications from Regional Councillor Virginia Hackson, chair of South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority had some positive news.

The first was about a prize for watershed management. It was announced in Brisbane Australia and the chair, Regional Councillor Virginia Hackson and several staff members went there to receive it.

Organizations make applications for these "prizes" If you bag one it looks good on an employee resume and campaign literature.

The second is an invitation to "festivities" at Madsen's Greenhouse to celebrate the success of Authority programs to save the environment and "Watershed Heroes"

It's not that long since the Authority was able to hire staff only on short contracts because there were insufficient resources to provide full-time employment.

Closer to home:

In November 2008, a new Director of Corporate Services was appointed in Aurora. Notice was received from the former Director nine months previously. It took that long to fill the position

On Jan 5th a new Chief Administrative Officer took up his appointment. On that day, our Chief FInancial Officer submitted his resignation.

Around March, a new solicitor joined the administration.. The job had been vacant for almost a year.

In March ,the CAO took the March break as vacation .

The Director of Corporate Services took the week after.

In April a new Chief Financial Officer joined the administration.on a twelve month contract. Though there were more than three months notice of the vacancy no recruitment process had been undertaken. The Municipal Act requires municipalities to adopt a recruitment policy.

In June, the CAO took a second week of vacation.

During the kefuffle over the critical comment on the Aurora Citizen, the Mayor informed Council "for the past week and a half, the Directors had been unable to do any of their own work because of this problem"

At the same time council was informed "these people" have been "enticed" to join our administration.

I asked at that time for a copy of the CAO's contract. I needed to see the terms of reference for the job. YThey are always articulated in a contract.. I was informed by three departments, they were not aware of an existing contract.

Immediately after the 2009 budget was finalised, a consultant was selected to review the town's organization . Oh yes , there was also an off site, day long, conference of directors at a golf club around then as well.

In August, the CAO took the last week in July and the first week in August for vacation. As did the Director of Corporate Service and the Treasurer and the Director of Leisure Services who has been with the town for ten years.

In the middle of August, the CAO attended the same conference I did in Ottawa.

Yesterday, I heard of a golf tournament attended by the Mayor. Chief Administrative Officer and Town solicitor as guests of John Mascarin. Mr. Mascarin is the solicitor retained on a regular basis by the Mayor and Council majority

I am not telling anyone what. if anything. to think about all of this.

But I would certainly be interested to know.


  1. Good grief, is anyone ever at their desk doing the work we need them to do?
    Mayor Morris will get the message at the next election, if she is fool enough to run again.
    Somehow I think she knows it will be best for her to bow out and move on.

  2. To Anonymous Oct 1/09 - I sure hope you are right about Mayor Morris getting the message at the next election (along with the 5 others) - my fear is that not enough people in Aurora have a clue what is going on at Town Hall and will vote according to who they are most familiar seeing in photo ops...What's your view on that? We plan to spread the word to as many people as possible...

  3. I would say that what goes on at Aurora's town hall reeks as much as the eHealth scandal.
    My personal opinion is that this mayor and council majority set out to replace the key senior administrative staff so that she /they could sweep the place clean of any staff remnants from the Tim Jones era. It is also my opinion that the new members of senior staff were hand picked and virtually appointed rather than recruited.
    I am a keen observer of people and the dynamics between them. I think that I am correct judging from what I have seen and heard when attending recent council and GC meetings.

  4. White Knight says"My personal opinion is that this mayor and council majority set out to replace the key senior administrative staff so that she /they could sweep the place clean of any staff remnants from the Tim Jones era."
    Wendy Gaertner addressed this issue recently and attributed all the staff departures to one of "getting a new job (promotion)",
    "retirement", or in one case a firing. White Knight are you calling Ms. Gaertner a liar?

  5. Good sir White Knight....

    Do you honestly think that this group is bright enough to have a plan like what you are theorizing?

    While it appears that they have a systematic plan, I don't give them that much credit. I think that they are enept enough to fall into some of the situations that have occurred.


  6. Voters will need to be reminded closer to the election of what this Mayor and her co-horts have put our town through.
    They are an embarrassment.
    If they spent less time bullying Councillor Buck then maybe they'd get some work done.
    This is the year of Business as proclaimed by her Mayorship.
    I'm just waiting for her photo-op at the Liquidation World store that is opening in the old Price Chopper.

    Now THERE is a business we can all be proud has come to Aurora.....

  7. Out with Thompson's Furniture and in with Liquidation World! From one end of the business spectrum to the other or how happy we must be. Has anybody noticed the Thompson's is retiring? That business has been on Yonge St. for how many years and will it make yet another impact on the Downtown core that I gather more money has been spent to see how we can improve it?

  8. To Broderick Epps
    I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.


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