Monday 23 November 2009

Re-Writing The Record

There's a Memo from the Mayor on this week's Council Agenda. It seems to refer to mayhem at the last Council Meeting when the chair was vacated impromptu. Meetings are taped. For the sake of accurately recording proceedings.

The Mayor's Memo is not in accord with the record. There is an attempt to re-write the record and point the finger of blame at someone else. That's not new. What is new, is using town records to obscure the fact. I take that back, that's not new either, is it.

Things just keep getting muddier and muddier. I had no idea for example, the mayor was accepting text messages during proceedings of Council. It sort of looks like support and direction is coming from outside the Council Chamber. I suppose the same person could be doing the damage control.

How would we know?

What kind of a crazy house of cards have we here ?

On November 30th a new Municipal Clerk will join us. He has twenty-five years of experience and is said to be among the best in Ontario.

Our need is desperate. Let us all hope his expertise will be allowed. If he takes the traditional seat alongside the presiding member, it will be a good omen.


  1. What's up with the 2004 memo from Tim Jones being included on the agenda?

  2. Where I work crackberriers have to turn the damn (oops, call a recess for swearing) things off in meetings so that everyone pays attention to what's going on. They should be banned from council meetings, collected at the door.

  3. Who are the two men Phyllis has been huddled with at the table in her office for the last several work days in the afternoon? I am pretty sure that one is Mr. Garbe but not sure of the other. I wonder if they are plotting how to appoint their choses IC.

  4. The Agenda Minutes identify the new Town Clerk as John Leach.
    Is this the same person who was let go by Vaughan in a voting machine fiasco. If so, Evilina will love him......LOL

  5. I had previously posted this on your "The week that was" blog entry. Since you have this topic I am resubmitting, you do not have to post it if you do not want to. I just think it applies to the topic

    "Who writes these memo’s by the Mayor? They obviously need to check the facts before these are sent out. Does the Mayor even know which night the council meeting took place? It sure wasn’t November 3rd.

    When I read the memo and attached documents, it sure looks to me like Councillor CM was correct in questioning the mayor on the point of order. Councillor Granger did not wait for the Mayor to grant the leave required under section B. He just started rambling on.

    Of course, I’m not as smart as the Mayor, and do not understand procedural bylaws.

    It was November 10th Madame Mayor not November 3rd.

    November 23, 2009 12:25 PM


  6. After watching last night's council meeting I am wondering if I should be having my vision and hearing tested. According to Mayor Morris, I didn't see what I saw and I didn't hear what I heard at the last council meeting on Novemer 10! When is this Mayor going to learn that if she wants to change the town procedures and minutes to suit her own point of view she had better do it for a meeting that is not televised for the public! The Mayor's BFF, reporter Sean Pearce never misses an oppurtunity to quote the lady herself, ad nauseum, that she is only trying to bring respect and decorum to the chamber. If this is how she behaves in public, I shutter to think what the other Councillors and staff are subjected to behind closed doors. When watching her drone on endlessly defending behavior that is indefensible, I am reminded of an admonishment that I received often as a child that I wish to pass along to the Mayor, in hopes that it will serve to shorten the meetings by not wasting precious time insulting everyones intelligence. "Members of Council, DO AS IS SAY, NOT AS I DO!"

  7. Anonymous said...
    "What's up with the 2004 memo from Tim Jones being included on the agenda?"

    It illustrates the threat that Cllr Buck has been kicked out before, she can be booted again.


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