Monday 16 November 2009

The Saga Continues

The Mayor had a bad week all round. Apparently Neighbourhood Network has come forward to assist with the Sally Ann Christmas Kettle Drive.

It has never been a Town of Aurora program. But for many years, starting with former and late Councillor Norm Stewart and continuing for many years with John West, volunteers were organised to man the Kettles over the Christmas Campaign. In and out of Council, both men were in the habit of making themselves available wherever there was a need.

The change to Neighbourhood Network generated a great flurry of a photo session with a fire truck, the fire chief the Mayor and who knows who to launch something called the "on-line" Kettle Drive.

Later in the week, it seems things didn't go quite as planned by Her Worship with the Olympic Torch Relay. The event was originally to be co-ordinated by Leisure Service Director Al Downey.
A budget was formulated at $10.000.

Council cut that in half, and the Mayor changed the line of responsibility and included herself and CAO Neil Garbe sharing the responsibility with Mr. Downey.

Such an event calls for precise adherence to requirements dictated by the organisers.

Echoes of the Mayor's screams of outrage were heard throughout the land.


  1. We all know why the Mayor is so resistant to anything to do with the Neighbourhood Networks. We can all see right through her.
    Magna, Hinder and Jones.
    Get over yourself, Phyllis. Do what's best for the community.
    NN is a great community resource that should be encouraged.
    And no, I'm not part of the NN, but I see the benefits in the town.

  2. Sick to the Backteeth w/ Morris16 November 2009 at 12:03

    Bang on, "Anonymous indeed". Her personal animus towards former political foes takes precedence over what's best for the town. It's more about the vendettas than the well-being of the community. Only 'her' volunteers need apply.

    MorMac is all about settling old scores, or as they perceive them. As Evelina said in the wake of the last election, "They're not running this town anymore - we are!"

  3. Good Luck manipulating VANOC, Monarch Morris.

  4. Anonymous for a Reason16 November 2009 at 12:52

    I feel another ridiculous moment coming on for Phyllis.
    The Vancouver Olympic Committee will see her banged to rights should she be so foolish as to attempt to manipulate the event. But then again, she is that foolish.

  5. Neighbourhood Network is all about community and I have great respect for Mr. Jones ,Mr. Hinder and Linda Potter especially because she has been a positive spirit in my life .
    As for the Fire Engine ,just "Keep on truckin " group because those who are not positive on this will get hosed by negativity .

  6. This is on the Town's notice board today.

    I see she is starting to get her hands on this.

    Calling all Aurora Torchbearers and
    Past Olympians Let's Fuel the Flame with Aurora Spirit!

    Mayor Phyllis Morris and Council would like you to join us to celebrate the 2010 Olympic Spirit.
    Please let us know if you or someone you know, has been selected as a torchbearer to run the Aurora stretch of the relay on December 18th. Send us an e-mail at or call us at 905-727-3123 ext. 4228 and include your name and information so we can contact you to invite you to help us celebrate with the

    Are you a past Olympian?
    If you have participated in any past Olympics or Paralympics, or someone you know has, please contact us at or call 905-727-3123 ext. 4228 and include your contact information so we may get in touch
    with you.

    Help us celebrate this historic event and cheer the torch on as
    it passes through Aurora!
    Mark your calendars for the morning of Friday, December
    the 18th The Town of Aurora will be inviting everyone to line the
    Torch Run route ( to be announced ) - and to help us
    celebrate. Further details to follow.

  7. To Something sounds to me that the VANOC haven't been in communication with the town on run protocol and the torchbearers for our section, so Phyllis is rallying her own cry.
    As Anonymous for a Reason said, I feel a ridiculous moment coming on for Phyllis.


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