Thursday 18 February 2010

Oh Roger Um Oh Roger Um

Leaving the council chamber involves a certain ritual. I need my right hand to grasp the brass rail. I toss my agenda on each seat ahead as I take the stairs, one step at a time.

On Tuesday evening, there were two visitors in the back row of the visitor seating . One was Klaus Wehrenberg an old and familiar friend. The other sat apart. As I climbed, I glanced in his direction. For an elected representative to fail to acknowledge the presence of a resident at a council meeting would have been less than cordial, mannerly or respectful, to say nothing of potential political ramifications.

He kept his gaze fixed stonily ahead.

Ah so, I thought!?! Roger Clowater. Declared candidate for the office of Mayor and at the same time declared supporter of the Mormac Regime.

As I drove home, noting the myriad and variety of poles in my line of vision, a little jingle danced into my head to accompany my thoughts:

Oh Roger Um; Oh Roger Um

Skillymalinky Clowater

Oh Roger Um.



  1. Mr. Clowater is certainly making the rounds around town. He seems a benign sort of fellow at first, but then leaves people shaking their heads when it becomes evident that he hasn't a clue.
    I'm waiting for some shining beacon of hope to come forward as a mayoral candidate.
    I'm sure someone is biding their time to announce.

  2. I question Roger's motives for running if he is a strong supporter of Mormac as you said. Is he just there to split the vote again between opponents of Phyllis? It will be interesting to see where he lands after the dust settles if Morris (heaven forbid) gets in again. My guess is he may get some type of job out of this. And if he is attending council meetings, why isn't he making his presence known? He must read the blogs, why is he not participating? Nigel Kean has participated both in open forum at a council meeting and the Aurora Citizen blog since announcing his candidacy. I too am waiting for the shining beacon, but in the end I will vote for the candidate I feel can de-throne HRH.

  3. Why does he attend the council meetings? If memory serves, he is a volunteer camera operator for Rogers first of all.

    I am sure that both of these anonymous posters have more of a "clue" than Mr. Clowater - he seems to be bright enough to at least announce his intentions.

    I am struck by how many think that a "Dragon Slayer" is needed to prevent Phyllis from wining again. She has not declared her intentions and I somehow wonder if she may not run based on the rage shown against her. In her mind, she won her Mayor race, if she runs again and loses, she is a failure - this way she can leave on top.

    This blog and the AC blog are full of conjecture and mis-information. I will wait for the truth before I make a decision.


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