Friday 26 February 2010

Skullduggery and Intrigue, Council Style.

Once again, the facts are in. The story can be told.

It's not clever. It's not subtle. It's not even exciting. Just par for the course.

On Tuesday evening, neighbours to the baseball diamond under construction, who do not like to look at poles, delegated to council.

Their complaint was about a newly installed pole in line of vision from their dining room window. Leisure Services Director had recommended re-locating the pole at a cost of $7,100. over and above the $100,000 cost to install the lights

The recommendation was not well received. It appeared Council would unanimously vote to deny.

Then the Mayor gave in-depth analysis of the situation. The subsequent resolution was to defer to the Chief Administrative Officer.

The Director informed the residents.. They knew he had followed through on his commitment to re-locate the pole. They knew the decision had been deferred to the CAO. They were told the matter would not be discussed at Council that evening.

But they came loaded for bear with complaints about how a baseball diamond could be so far advanced in construction on land abutting their own,while they had no knowledge it was even contemplated.

The public debate about whether or not there should be a baseball diamond had passed beneath their line of vision.

The litany was against the Director about how such a thing could happen without their being formally notified..

Since the decision to re-locate the offending pole had not been rejected, it had been "referred", I wondered why the residents had come to council at that moment in time with a written presentation . So I asked.

I had to state the facts twice. Why, when the director had agreed to recommend re-locating the pole, had informed them he would do so, had followed through on his commitment and afterwards told them the issue had been referred to the Chief Administrative Officer and would not be discussed that evening; why were they there?

I did not ask why the Director, who had been so accommodating to their wishes was being berated for perceived failures. The scheme was familiar and easily recognizable.

I wanted to establish, who had intervened between a non- decision of council and what precipitated an angry and accusatory presentation about a staff member who had been so obliging, to his own disadvantage I might add.

My meaning was finally taken. The delegate threw her arm towards the chair and said "Phyllis called"

It is established, the resident and the Mayor are close friends.

Despite weeks of community outrage, outcry and controversy about the need and cost of a baseball diamond.

Despite eight months of earth moving ; cutting down hills and filling in valleys, to the tune of $400.000

Despite the location was not staff choice{ It was Evalina's) and there was no other possible configuration for the lights.

Despite all of that plus the fact, unlike land use and zoning changes, there is no requirement to formally notify residents of park development.

And despite a close friendship with the Mayor. and apparently, Councillor MacEachern, they still had no idea what was afoot, until they looked out of their dining room window one day and saw a pole.

But never mind. Friend, Mentor and Mayor Phyllis, rides to the rescue once again.

The (Woodsman)Chief Administrator will have received his instructions. The Leisure Services Director will be once again discredited and that will be the reason to spend yet another $7,100.
to re-locate the pole on top of $100.000 spent already for baseball lighting .

Council will once again meekly acquiesce.

Villains, real and perceived, will be vanquished .

Everyone will live happily ever after.

Lilliput style.


  1. Good one for the paper, Ev.

  2. Great post. One of your best.

  3. I was stunned that a commoner dare address Her Royal Highness by her first it makes sense if they are close friends.

  4. someone who loves this towm more than the Mayor26 February 2010 at 17:42

    okay, totally agree with Anonymous, that is the best one I've read

  5. Morris has been gunning for Al Downey for ages. He's the sole survivor, the 'last man standing' of the directors/upper management that she inherited.

    It's like she's trying to dispose of the witnesses; to her sheer incompetence and to the way things were before her ascension to the throne. All the rest of the upper echelon of staff will have been hired or promoted during her term and therefore beholden to her (kind of like the non-elected Mr Gallo).

    Her chosen ones all got fancy new job titles - with healthy pay rises, of course. Al goes from Director of Leisure Services to the far more pedestrian Parks & Recreation. It's obvious she's trying to diminish and embarrass the man and his position, probably hoping he'll quit.

    This latest fiasco, engineered by the mayor (is this the transparency she's always heralding?), is part of her campaign to rid herself of the man who knows what the morale and productivity of Town staff was before we were afflicted with her.

    Mr Downey strikes me as an affable, resilient sort and has rode things out thus far. He hasn't risen to her bait, despite provocation. I hope he perseveres and outlasts her, so he can serve her successor and the residents of this town.

  6. Anonymous ,could not have hit the nail more squarely on the head Ev.
    Mr Downey is by far the most competent senior member of staff and is a huge threat to the new world order, warped as it is, Sad to think he is the last remaining glimmer of hope from the once fine group of independant thinking professionals who guided this Town.
    The only thing that's kept him in the game is his passion to serve the public and the fact that he has quietly gathered enough evidence of work place harrasment, both recored and in print to stroll away with his pockets full.
    As if one pending civil action is not enough. They just could'nt face a second loss

  7. This women will stoop to even lower lows in order to get re-elected. What a waste of time. There is no way that the people of this town are so stupid as to not see through her mean spirited way of running this town.

  8. Dick Illingsworth wrote in the Auroran Dec 11, 2007.

    "BRICKBATS to the same council for having difficulties
    making decisions and referring so many issues back to staff for more information when there is
    sufficient information available. The list of uncompleted
    items continues to grow! Learn to trust the staff. They are
    the experts."

    When it comes to Parks & Rec , it appears that council led by Morris has annointed her right hand Evilina as the expert. Evilina has on several occaisions completely disagreed with staff reports (especially Al Downey's)and its amazing to see her take on the Parks & Rec master plan with Morris loyalist Ken Whitehurst and completely rework even to the point as the Banner points out submitting a report with typos and grammar issues. How Mr. Downey survives this disgrace is simply amazing.

  9. Anonymous for a Reason27 February 2010 at 16:46

    Al Downey obviously has a passion for delivering the leisure services to the benefit of residents of this town. He conducts himself at council meetings with the utmost professionalism.
    Whenever I've seen him at community events he is genuinely enjoying himself.
    I'm sure Mr. Downey will continue to withstand the slings and arrows of mad women Morris with the countdown to October.
    I have heard tell that her Morrisness might not run again. Better for her to choose not to run again then suffer a crushing defeat.

  10. Anonymous for a Reason states that her lordship might not run again. DON'T TEASE ME!!


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