Sunday 7 February 2010

A suggestion.

A reader is compiling a list of items to present for election debate and wonders about optimum time to submit them to the media.

If there is an optimum time, days before the election is too late.

There is no fail proof method for influencing how people think. The right to decide is valued far more than politicians or media credit. When people believe they have no power, apathy prevails.

Citizens who care and are determined to make a difference must initiate tho conversation wherever opportunity presents. No time should be wasted. Defence of the indefensible should be challenged at every turn.

Throughout this term, nothing less than our community's values have been trampled, our collective intelligence insulted and our freedom denied.

From now until October 25Th, wherever two people are, debate should be initiated , nurtured and grown in force and determination.

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