Monday 19 April 2010

Artificial Turf

I have a sheaf of pages of itemised costs for the artificial turf soccer field in Sheppard's Bush.

I thought with all the numbers and particulars in my hand I would be able to impress with my expertise.

Not so.

I have no clue about all the nitty gritty details that go into preparing supports needed for artificial turf to serve the purpose for extended years of intended use.

We can't let dogs defecate all over it. The practice lends nothing to enjoyment of the sport. So it has to be fenced.

The project was undertaken in 2007. In 2006, lights were installed. They were transferred from the soccer field behind the Legion when the bubble was erected. The cost was $65,862.65.

Cost of work undertaken in 2006 and 2007 totalled $691,842.44.

$60.000. contribution from Aurora Youth Soccer and a labour credit from the contractor in an amount of $6,783.28 took the price down to $625,059.16.

Altogether , there are 265 itemised details in the accounts. I have scanned them looking for familiar terms .

All I can tell you is this; people who play soccer think it's great. More people get to play longer.

People who provide facilities for soccer players thinks it's great. It cuts down on maintenance. and overuse of natural fields.

Money is collected from developers, who build homes which contribute to growth which creates the need for additional soccer fields and that's how it should be used.

If or when, I am a candidate in the next election, I will not be claiming expertise in the business of installing artificial turf as a reason why you should vote for me.

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