Tuesday 13 April 2010

Now Let Me Think! ! !

A comment calls for a list of departees.

I may not know them all. But here goes.

One Chief Administrative Officer.
One Director of Planning
One Integrity Commissioner
One Treasurer.
One Public Works Director
One Acting Public Works Director.
One Manager of Works Operations
One Solicitor
One Assistant Solicitor.
Two Clerks/Directors of Corporate Services.
One Deputy Clerk
One Human Resources Officer .
One Manager of Bylaw Services.
One Council Secretary
One Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and Council.
One Economic Development Officer who chose not to renew a contract.

There may be others whose faces were not familiar. We know of at least one displacement.

We also had the "re-org" which added thirty five persons to the complement.

Various and sundry solicitors appear on the scene at a time of the Mayor's choosing.

And Oh Yes... A Second Integrity Commissioner. Still with us.


  1. Good grief. It looks even worse when tallied.
    I can't wait until a viable candidate for mayor comes forth.
    It's only a matter of time.

  2. Where does the extra "complement" hang out?

    I don't recall seeing any construction for extra office footage.

    Is it not very crowded?

    And how can efficiency be maintained if desks and chairs are bumped closely together?

    Or was it that there was a surplus of space when the building was assembled, and according to some old maxim or other "all spaces get filled eventually" until there is such a thing as overcrowding and then Petch House looks like a viable opportunity?

    We might need a couple of wards just for staff, with their own consiglieres.

  3. Speaking of the re-org and renaming of all the departments and positions, I notice that town trucks and other vehicles that used to be public works all have their new name on them. Do you know how much that cost please or any other expenses due to name changes?

  4. How many left on their own accord because of better offers? You can't hold Ms. Morris to those.

  5. I think there are definitely those who may have left on their own accord... but because they could not stand working under HRH's dictatorship any longer. And I know of more than one. Those CAN be attributed to her.

  6. Knowledgeable in Aurora17 April 2010 at 15:00

    I agree White Knight. Appreicated employees, particularly those that are fairly paid, with good benefits generally do not look for other opportunities unless the working conditions drive them to do so. I believe that is the case with most of the voluntary resignations/retirements.


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