Thursday 6 May 2010

Click Forward

I forwarded the comment I received to the town and received the prompt response printed below.

I am obliged .

But I have to tell you what I miss:

I am accustomed to the clerk of the municipality providing smooth passage for the business of the corporation.

Items appear on the agenda in a timely manner for Council's attention. Bylaws are prepared on the direction of Council, before Council is even aware their direction is required.

The Clerk of the Municipality is the unseen hand that guides all things in smooth progression. Without the clerk given free rein and authority to do his/her job, chaos ensues.

Kind of like the wife and mother, who makes taking care of the multiple needs of the family look so easy everyone imagines no skill is involved.

We spent thousands of dollars on consultants to tell us how to re-organise the administration.

The Clerk's position in the administration was downgraded from number two to number four
Many of his responsibilities were transferred elsewhere.

We use a fraction of his skills and experience.

They are not replicated elsewhere.

On the other hand, the heavy and erratic hand of the Mayor is evident everywhere.

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