Wednesday 12 May 2010


Last night a glass with ice was on the table by my chair and a message from a Nisbet Drive neighbour was waiting for me when I got home.

"Tell your mother, we all appreciate what she did for us tonight"

It was nice. But it was little enough I was able to accomplish.

I told Council, Nisbet Drive residents felt they should have had an opportunity to comment on the changed construction plans for their road.

Councillor Gaertner dismissed that. Residents had plenty of opportunity to comment,she said.

The Mayor advised residents should come and see her and Public Works Director, Simanovskis if they had a problem.

Mayor Morris is certainly right about that. One resident of Nisbet Drive went to see her and the Public Works Director and the road design was promptly changed to suit his preference.

Along his property frontage, the sidewalk loops and becomes a concrete pad six feet wide, abutting the travelled portion of the road. Not only that. The road itself is to be shifted over by three feet to take the sidewalk even further from his property.

Neighbours opposite will have three feet less depth to their frontage.

To satisfy totally selfish and self-centred demands of a single individual,three beautiful street trees, two of them with probably thirty years of growth, will be cut down to be replaced by the concrete pad.

But apparently that's acceptable. Because he took his problem to the Mayor. The Mayor ensured his every wish was granted. Like a Fairy Godmother.

So chuffed was he with the success of his efforts, he boasted to neighbours about how effective he had been and how well the Mayor had taken care of his needs.

His success had been at his neighbours expense, but never did it occur to him the information might not be universally welcomed.

It's interesting to watch Mormac politics in action.

Little subtlety is involved.

By summer's end , the hybrid sidewalk will be on the ground for all to see.

Visit Nisbet Drive now and see how it is. Council awarded the contract last night with one vote opposed.

The trees will be the first to vanish. Go and see them now in all their glory of spring foliage. Take some photos. Talk to the neighbours. Give them an ear.

Next time a righteous Councillor expresses an opinion about the value of a tree, know that for the crock it is.

I've been to a few gatherings lately. In the company of neighbouring politicians.

Aurora Council meetings are being viewed far and wide.


  1. That's for sure! I don't live in Aurora, but I read your blog faithfully. I can't believe all the shenanigans going on there. I've even watched your council meeting on the internet. Unbelievable!

    I'm amazed there isn't some way to stop the destruction being caused by this dysfunctional municipal government. A few more months and it may all be over!

  2. Trees on Vandorf were her crusade, trees on private lots have been her crusade. Trees on town boulevards, they get to go. What the hell is going on!! She needs to go and she needs to go NOW!!

  3. Evelyn, I agree with everything you said, this is a foolish decision but I think you have been unduly harsh in your criticism of the resident who fought for it. All home owners are "selfish" about their properties. Although it is undeniable that the town owns a few metres at the bottom of everyone's property, it is only natural that we think of it as our own. We nurture and care for it as we do the rest of our lot and we are responsible for its aestetic maintenance. The resident did the right thing, he had a concern, went to the Mayor and fought for what he wanted. It is not his fault that council granted his request at the expense of his neighbours and fellow taxpayers. Although I agree that the Town has a responsibility to work with citizens for the betterment of all neighbourhoods, in the end it is up to the elected members to determine how best to utilize community owned property. It is them that must be held accountable for their decisions. No homeowner is objective about their own property or neighbourhood, that is job of their elected government. I think in fairness you owe him an apology. And it is council that owes an apology to his neighbours.



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