Friday 18 June 2010

The Ends Were Too Loose.

I will be away for a week.I'm taking a trip to Vancouver with my daughters, Heather and Theresa.. They have never been to the West coast and we have never taken a trip together, just our three selves.

We will dip down to Tacoma in Washington and spend a few days with my grand-daughter Vanessa and husband James. Vanessa and the twins ,Claire and Reid will come back with us
to spend the summer at the family cottage on Georgian Bay.

Vanessa spent all her childhood summers there . As did her mother.The intention is that CLaire and Reid will enjoy the same advantage.

We will take a lap-top but whether or not I will master it and continue with a blog every day.
we will have to see.

I've been away for a few days from time to time in the past four years.

This may be a good time to take a break from blogging.

I started out with the intention of keeping a journal on Council events. I've done that. To be sure it has been a dreary recital.

I wish it could have been different.

It's our first four year term of office. I think it's too long. Probably most people in Aurora would agree. I'm not aware that any other municipality has had the same experience .So, it's
unlikely the Province will turn the clock backwards to a shorter term.

To clarify the last post; the first lawyers were retained by the Mayor very early in the term. She discovered telephones in the unsecured Councillors' room had been monitored for a spell and was convinced her privacy had been invaded by the former Mayor whom she had defeated in the very recent election.

The next lawyer retained was George Rust D'Eye. The Mayor had met him at a recent conference and he had advised her of the advantage of a Code of Conduct with penalties yet to deal with the problem of a Councillor who persisted in speaking her mind in public even after the majority had made decisions.

That wasn't the end of it.

I've been reviewing the term during the last few weeks, because of the upcoming election .

In a few short weeks, we will have an opportunity to make a change. We need to remember this will be our only chance to decide for another four years.

After a little break I might turn my thoughts to what might be.

We have a beautiful town , a great place to be and a new opportunity coming up to make it better.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Evelyn:

    Enjoy your week with your daughters, and Vancouver.

    This is a much overdue and well deserved interlude for you.

    We all look forward to hearing from you "what might be."

    Possibly you can provide some guidance on the "new opportunity coming up to make it better."



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