Saturday 31 July 2010

Add a Few Names

Comment to The Rogue Council Post;

Ev Just think about the lost business opportunities, the lost professionalism , the lost leadership , the loss of direction and the loss of character when the Town lost former CAOs Jay , Marc, Larry , Scott, and John, boy would it ever be interesting to be a fly on the wall in a room where these fine men were congregated when the word Aurora is mentioned


I would add David Nitkin , Integrity Commissioner, a few lawyers who shall be nameless , and a Planning director to provide a broad base focus for the conversation.

Loss of the town's institutional history is perhaps the most serious.

Individuals can apply knowledge and skill to any problem. Navigating a municipality without a trace of its history is like launching into a great lake or an ocean with no sense of the depth, underwater hazards, currents or undertow .

Not only are the dreadful duo totally ignorant of it and place no value upon our institutional memory, for the past four years they have been intent on wiping it out completely.

To cover the damage wrought , they would prefer people to believe, there was no Town of Aurora before they got here.

This week-end there are only two directors on hand. One with fifteen or more years background in town affairs and one with barely a year.

Guess who's in charge?

1 comment:

  1. Good ol' Al Downey. They haven't succeeded in driving him out. I hope he's there to hold the door on October 26th when they depart from the Town Hall.

    Al Downey - Last Man Standing.


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