Saturday 3 July 2010

Comment On The Porta Toilet Issue

I am left wondering have the toilets been installed in the parks and has the resident been satisfied? I am telling you that after all this crap of writing emails back and forth and attempting to justify why or why not, these things could have been in place and all of this avoided within hours. More smoke and mirrors, boy they are good at it.


I understand the porta-toilets are in the parks. As they would. if staff had been allowed to do their work.

All they asked for was approval to spend $4,800 to provide fifteen additional porta-toilets where needed.

What happened was the recommendation from staff was referred, on a motion from Councillor MacEachern to the committee chaired by Councillor MacEachern for consideration, to be recommended back to Council to be rejected on a motion by Councillor Grainger.No rationale provided.

Now the flap is on to blame staff for failure to provide basic amenities in the parks.

On the basis that; the draft Master Recreation Plan that cost us $53 ks for a consultant to produce,then , was also referred to the same committee chaired by Councillor Mac Eachern, then after a year or more , being re-written by herself and one other, before being adopted by Council in preference to the Consultant's $53ks study, which recommended, where permanent
toilet buildings are not provided ,porta toilets should be.

The argument is. the re-written Master Recreation Plan takes precedence over a motion passed by council not to provide any porta-toilets in town parks.

This from people who insist no re-consideration of any decision by council should take place within six months of the original decision.

And who fail to understand that decisions of council confirmed by bylaw at the end of every council meeting, are required to be rescinded or amended in order for the direction to staff is altered.

We have been hearing a lot of talk lately about the merits or otherwise of experience on council.
Held up as examples are certain decisions made by this term's council.

By no stretch of imagination can these be attributed to experience.

They are due to nothing more than ignorance, arrogance and total lack of judgement.

People lacking in judgement learn nothing from experience.

The decision to prohibit all porta-toilets in the parks is but a small example of the decisions made week after week and year after year. It was also the least costly,

Squandered public resources can now be measured in millions.

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