Tuesday 20 July 2010

An E-Mail From The Mayor.

Council Members

Further to Councils recent "rise and report out" of our action(s) re: retaining Mr. Northey as Co-counsel

I enquired of Mr. Cooper what Members can share about our legal counsels reccommendation

Mr Cooper has kindly advised that if asked, Council Members can reference that :

Given that Mr. Northey and his firm are no longer retained by the residents, he is available for the purpose of serving as co-counsel to Roger Beaman, the Town's lawyer, when the Westhill OMB hearing resumes. The rationale for retaining his services is that Mr. Northey is familiar with the case, the expert witnesses, and their witness statements. Moreover, given his areas of specialization, Mr. Northey has the ability to lead on matters of water and much of the natural heritage evidence, as well as to co-ordinate all of the environmental evidence.
By way of contrast, Mr. Beaman would lead on planning matters and environmental assessment procedures.
Retaining Mr. Northey on a co-counsel basis would also serve to minimize costs and maximize efficiency. It is Mr Coopers understanding that the consultants for the respective parties will be asked to testify in panels, based on their areas of expertise. Mr Cooper further understand that this approach is similar to the one employed in the Richmond Hill Oak Ridges Moraine hearing.
Accordingly, it would not be necessary for Messrs. Beaman and Northey to attend the hearing at the same time, thus reducing the costs to the Town


Mayor Phyllis Morris


The e-mail was received on Sunday

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