Friday 23 July 2010

A Precious Morsel

It's almost twelve and I haven't had breakfast. Between one thing and another, sending off an e-mail in response to the Town Planner doing some digging and discovering, answering the phone and a couple of lengthy conversations about town business , I haven't had time to eat.

So...I'm going to make my porridge now and get back to you.

But there's a little snippet I've been meaning to share that won't hold.

Our former manager (without the title.) of Corporate Communications, you know the one who was harried by the Mayor and Councillor MacEachern when she gave her first annual report of the term on the Corporate Communications Division. That was back in 2007. They repeatedly demanded she explain the meaning of "Corporate Communications" The explanation clearly didn't please them. They were determined to harry a different interpretation. from her.

The manager could only tell them what she knew. But they didn't stop until I roared.

Anyway, as long expected, the manager was displaced in her job a couple of months ago. Remember that. The theory was the "Re-org Study "had determined the town needed someone with a Master's Degree in Communication.The manager only had a B.A. and many.many years of proven competence in the field.Also many contacts valuable to the town.

A Master's degree is not what we got. But after eleven years of better than excellent service to the town, the communications person found herself licking , and still with a full salary.

It naturally ended a few weeks ago.

Our very competent and experienced communication officer with history in the town,is now Senior Communications Advisor in the Town of Markham ,one of four advisors reporting to Markham's Director of Corporate Communications and out of harm's way.

On behalf of the people of Aurora, whom she served so well, we wish her all the best and hope she can quickly put the bad part behind her.

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