Saturday 31 July 2010

The Rogue Clause

A Comment to the Post:

“An illegal clause in the procedure bylaw discourages Councillors from attending meetings. It is there at her insistence.”

How convenient.

Would you be able to post the wording of this clause?


This story starts at the beginning of the last term with the General Committee debate on committee appointments..

Councillors are asked to provide first,second and third committee choice to the Mayor. Who works with the Clerk to accommodate members choices, avoid scheduling conflicts and submit a report to Council for approval.

My choice was the Economic Development Committee.

I didn't get it. Morris's clique had hogged the committees. Morris had three

I expressed my dis-satisfaction.

Morris said....." tough"......or words similarly disrespectful, hostile and out of order.

I responded ; "No matter.... Councillors are entitled to attend and participate at all meetings"

Councillor Keane enjoined. He said ..."no, they are not"

I cast an inquiring look towards the Chair. He moved the meeting along.

In my previous incarnation, standing committees were the order. Membership was three for the purpose of a majority report to Council. Any member of Council had the right to attend and participate, ask questions of staff, express an opinion, but not vote.

Committee recommendations had to reflect a majority decision.

Since then and I am still doubtful of the new concept,. advisory committees have taken the place of standing committees. Committees have more non-elected members than elected. And the new clause in the procedure bylaw.

It qualifies a councillor's authority.

It states:

26.2 Councillor Members who are not Committee Members shall be entitled to attend all
Advisory Committee meetings, including any in-camera portion of the meeting, and shall be entitled to speak , at a meeting upon recognition from the chair, but
shall not be entitled to vote....

It seems innocent . Rules of order require recognition from the chair to allow any member to speak.

But this clause refers only to a Councillor who is not a member of the committee. It was Councillor Keane's reference when he challenged the right of this Councillor to participate.

To be continued.

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