Wednesday 15 September 2010

Union Negotiations

Everybody understands the need for confidentiality. It comes under the heading of bargaining in good faith.

Negotiations have been going on since March. By next Monday morning , the union is in a legal position to strike.

A No Board Report has been issued at the request of the union.

I have to be very careful. I can say nothing that hasn't been said in public already.

At last night's meeting, Mr. Elliott , our Chief Financial Officer,also in charge of Human Resources under the "re-org" as the Mayor likes to refer to it. and now union negotiator, was invited by the Mayor to provide Council with an update.

I am not sure why that was needed. Council had an in camera meeting one week ago and and an update at that time.

Mr. Elliott reported the possibility and proximity of a strike.

He noted a final conciliation meeting is to be held before that can happen.

He expressed confidence an agreement will be reached.

And reported management and labour relations have improved in the process of negotiations.

He doesn't know if the union are just rattling their chains.

But reports a plan is in place to go, if there is a strike.

Recreation facilities will have to be closed for safety reasons in the event of a strike.

We are advised town organisations must be informed of the possibility that facilities will not be available for the start of the season's programs in the event of a union strike.

The information was provided to Council during last night's Council Meeting.


  1. Given the Mayors self proclaimed “HR experience” I’m surprised she hasn’t taken over the negotiations….

    Or maybe she will put on her cape and tights and swoop in to save the day at the last minute like the Superhero she is in her own mind……

  2. You just know that all will be settled so that Phyllis doesn't have to deal with union issues during a campaign.
    They've got her over a barrell.

  3. Something Fishy isn't too far off the mark.
    A deal will be done, and Phyllis will claim a victory.
    And the Union won't care a jot about how it is spun by her. They just want what they want, and they'll get it.
    Mark my words.

  4. Town, Union reach tentative deal

    Who was that masked lady?


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