Thursday 14 October 2010

Apropos of the post .....Still In Election Mode

Anonymous said...I am interested in your response to this....

The post outlined a request for Freedom of Information received at the Clerk's Office. A report on FOI request  has only been provided to Council  once  before for  the month of August.2010.

A Councillor has no role  in the process. The clerk informs the person about whom the inquiry is  made. The identity of the person making the request is confidential.. The Clerk has authority to determine if   privacy might be invaded  If so, the information is withheld.

When the material requested that can be released  is compiled, copies  are provided to the person about whom the request has been made.

As yet I have received no copies.

The first request for correspondence dated August 4th  was determined to be fully exempt. It is being appealed.

Appeal is made to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

E-mails have been a  terrible problem for the Mayor and others this term

Before I started the blog, I happily chatted  on-line with Council colleagues, sharing information, I thought  might be useful.  It almost seemed the Mayor and Councillor MacEachern objections were to the information.

Negative declarations  were made about  " appropriateness" of  communication by e-mail. A "directive"was given  to  stop the practice. Then things turned  hostile and I was informed by  some  their mail boxes were closed to communications from myself.

Councillor Marsh  circulated  an e-mail  on municipal finance, an  area of expertise, and Councillor MacEachern responded that  Councillor Marsh's e-mails were being saved  and would  be published some day.

Town policy directs  a Director who receives a  question from a Councillor on line,  to  circulate the response to all Councillors.

Councillor Wilson never failed to comment that my questions  represented  a complete waste of staff time.

If I asked  a question  during  a Council meeting, he found that  to be a waste of Council's time. He would  advise Councillors should ask their  questions  beforehand.

Councillor Wilson was quite free with his advice about how he thought I should conduct myself.

Until the virtual  turnover  in  management team, I always had quick access to information.I could pick up the phone and get  an answer lickety-split.

Then  staff  were directed that all questions from Councillors were  to be referred to Department Heads  for response.

It wasn't long before some Department Heads  were not willing to provide  answers to my questions. Apparently they were afraid of how I would provide the information to the public.

The Town Hall was in lock down. A Berlin Wall had been raised

I no longer ask questions


  1. I'm sad to hear that you stopped asking questions of the administration - while it's frustrating that you don't receive answers - I think it's a telling sign when questions are asked and nothing comes back. The CBC has a running commentary on how many times they request an interview with a minister and receive no response (the number is in itself an embarrassment).

    I for one would love to hear about the questions that have been asked that have received no answer or a formal decline. I would also need a refresher on the rules governing the information - if it's information that a councilor is entitled to - then I think it becomes a "got 'cha" moment for the administration

  2. Patience Evelyn, things will get better in 11 days.

  3. By the looks of the crowd last night at HoJos Ev, things are about to become loosened up at the Town Hall , especially encouraging was the very large group you were attracting at your little table ,I'm sure the incumbents were taking notice of this and feeling the chill the air,and Its about to get a whole lot colder for them

  4. You have a great memory Evelyn. I had forgotten about that threat from Mac. There were many.

  5. I have saved nasty emails from Councillor MacEachern as evidence of her nature. What's good for the goose is good for tne gander.


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