Sunday 24 October 2010

A Genuine Query? I Think Not.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Conundrum":

Perhaps you can explain why you continue to use these phrases?

"three Aurora families being served with notice of legal action from the Mayor"

"on the eve of Aurora's Thanksgiving Celebration for all our blessings."

First of all, there were 3 INDIVIDUALS not families.

What does Thanksgiving have to do with it?

Just trying to make it more sensational  than it is


I do not recall  anyone in the Town of Aurora or neighbouring municipalities being sued by their own municipal government ever.

I don't believe this  event could be made more sensational than it is.

Think about it. If someone knocked on your door and handed you a legal notice to inform you, your Town   intends  to sue you  for  $6million,would that news exclude your husband, wife or any of your children?

On the eve of  what  once was and still is in some homes, a religious festival of thanksgiving and good will, celebrated by the community, would such a hostile act not have  doubly powerful significance.

I think so.

I also believe I have a right to call it the way I see it.

Although the Mayor appears to be attempting too late to  pull herself out of the quicksand she created  for herself, more than one person gave approval for this action. We may assume  five  will be required to change the course. At least, the same number who set it in motion in  the first place.

Why any  sensible politician  would even contemplate such an action is beyond me.But this much I know, no single member of a council  has  authority to direct staff or abuse public resources in this manner.


  1. Just think Evelyn, one more sleep and your job is confirmed for another four years.

    Others will not be so lucky.

  2. I guess the poster can't accept that perhaps it was planned that way. There were other days of the week. It is the opinion of many that Thanksgiving was selected for maximum impact to the three named. Sure it sensationlizes it! But rather the opposite galvanizes the belief that the current mayor has to go. Twenty four more hours to go, now that will be sensational! Good Luck Evelyn, we'll see you in the winner's circle!

  3. You are absolutely right, Evelyn.
    I was on the executive of a rate-payers group which was sued.
    I can still remember the door bell ringing, AT SUPPER TIME, and how I felt with my family all around me.
    It wasn't at Thanksgiving which would be worse.

  4. Perhaps you could update us on the particulars of your lawsuit.

  5. "I also believe I have a right to call it the way I see it"

    This all to rare comodidity these days is exactly why you will be heralded at the poles tomorrow, some folks just cant handle reality,
    I think just maybe it has somthing to do with the experience and wisdom one absorbes from more than 50 years !! in public life.
    Congratulations for holding the course Evelyn.

  6. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. It has it's root in religion but today is mostly a secular holiday.

    As far as delivering the paperwork at home in the evening, where else would they deliver it? It has to be delivered in person and the best way to do so is at their homes in the evening.

    Where and when was your legal notices of suit delivered to 6 families in Aurora?

    I think that you use these embellishments to make the public feel sorry for the families, whom I think probably had a great laugh after the deliverer of the suits left.

  7. Goodie Two Shoes27 October 2010 at 08:25

    To Anonymous "Thanks Giving is not a religious holiday", You have one strange sense of humor if you think people had a good laugh after being handed the papers delivering a law suit. Being told that someone is suing you is not something many people are going to laugh at. I think most normal feeling people would have nothing but a sick feeling for a few days after a blow like that. Thanksgiving or not!


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