Monday 1 November 2010

And All That Jazz

Writing a Blog is blazing a trail of sorts. When I started,  there was nothing for me to follow. I had  been in the habit of writing letter to the editor. So I was  accustomed to expressing my views on town affairs but still, it was always someone else's publication.

It took time to realize the freedom . My thoughts would still travel in old patterns. I would find myself thinking, if people only  knew that.  Then I 'd think, well hell ,I can tell them.

Still, I was inhibited with  certain expectations of behaviour in particular circumstances.

Like during an election.

The Auroran  has always welcomed my letters. I didn't submit any during the campaign. I  felt it would give me an advantage over other candidates. I already had the Blog. But everyone isn't on-line and  people look for my letters to the editor. Still I didn't.

 Gordon Barnes and David Tomlinson and others decided it was alright to put forward  critism of  my conduct  as a Councillor.They had an ulterior motive. It wasn't so much about maligning my character, as it was about making sure  the goose that laid their golden eggs would be re-elected.

It goes without saying, I will not  be voting for a group of  volunteers, however well-meaning, to have authority to spend $100Ks tax  dollars  whatever way they have a mind

I did not  nor will I  start , voting for half a million tax dollars for a group to have the delightful task of purchasing "culture" to bring the unwashed masses up by their bootstraps

I want our museum back in its rightful place, with a curator, to program Victorian Christmas, classroom visits, summer history camps  and  a home for all  the artifacts awaiting a place where their significance can be appreciated.

I want  spending decisions made by  people  elected  to do that.

I want the Town Hall to be equipped to stream all Council activities to be shared with people at home or at work or wherever they have a minute to check in.

We did not see  much of an  increase in the  election turn-out . We saw a huge increase in awareness and involvement.I want us to hold on to that. I hope we never slide back to being taken in by the glib
and the facile.  

Much of  what's  done  at the Town hall is tedious.

But not all.  Technology has huge potential for allowing people to get their two cents  in along the way, if they think it's worth while.

We need  to buy into the concept that the town belongs to us. We all  have a stake in making sure practices and policies are fair  and equally applied.

If one small  group has to pay for picnic tables and garbage barrels for an event in their neighbourhood  park, everybody should have to pay.The  principle should be so well  entrenched that NO  group  is sufficiently selfish to seek special treatment.

I don't want Aurora to be a place where it depends on who you know, how well you are served. Where favours are  bought and sold, like commodities. For example, give me what I want and I will write whatever nasty letters you want about whoever you say.

I don't want young people to have that as an example of  acceptable  behaviour

I want the voluntary sector  not to have to compete with politicians for voluntary  dollars available.

I want the town to partner with Neighbourhood Network and give all the support and encouragement  needed for benefits to accrue to the community

And that's just a beginning.


  1. Evelyn:

    Sounds like the infection is abandoning ship. Hope you are fully recovered soon.

    What you write is only common sense in a true democracy, something Aurora has not been for the past four years.

    You probably know some of the new councillors, some better than others. Will they be capable of working as a team in conjunction with our new mayor?

    And what about senior members of staff - Department Heads? Will they be capable of working with the new council in the best democratic interests of the town? You probably know them better than some of the new councillors.

    I trust that senior staff fully realize that there has been something of a revolution in the town's political composition and that they should act accordingly.

  2. I believe lots of Aurorans know how beneficial our old museum was.
    It was only when I went to the museum in connection with my interest in Genealogy that I realized how special Jacqueline Stuart was.
    If only every member of the Town could read letters Jacqueline had written, with her delightful sense of humour, to people who needed information on Aurora, relatives etc.
    She was full of knowledge and always willing to help.
    She loved her artifacts.
    Can you imagine what she could have done with a better physical setting?

    Has she REALLY RETIRED??

  3. "I want the town to partner with Neighbourhood Network and give all the support and encouragement needed for benefits to accrue to the community"

    Oh you mean like "Young People" planting trees and picking up litter in town parks in coperation with the Town of Newmarket and the Conservation Authority, This seems a very odd notion ,from my recollection these pepole were not welcome in Aurora

  4. Or kettle drive volunteers being replaced by councillors for the photo-op?

    Tim Jones and his group was not welcome in the Morris Aurora. Maybe Dawe will be more embracing of them.

  5. I am not sure I like influence the Network has over charities and non profits.
    They can say who they help get established, if they wish.
    I think maybe our Mayor felt this way and that is her right.


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