Thursday 4 November 2010

God Is In His Heaven

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Joshua At The Battle of Jericho Never Knew Such p...":

Someone made the observation that Rebecca Beaton and Walter Mestrinaro had detailed prepared notes for presentation in advance of the meeting, despite the fact that the public was not invited to speak in the published agenda. I would like to know if this is in fact true because if so, it would constitute a very relevant observation. Given that there was apparently no public notice of a pending open forum and in light of their close relationship with Evelina and Phyllis and given the consistency of the arguments they all presented, this begs the question as to if they were somehow given advanced notice of what was to transpire and what the end purpose of the meeting was.

I would also like to confirm with Councillor Buck if there is typically open forum at special meetings such as this. If not, another big red flag go up.

In light of the comments made by Phyllis, Al, Wendy and Evelina and if my personal assumptions prove to be valid based on the facts as I understand them, this may all add up to clear evidence of the very kind of "orchestration" that was suggested by Councillor Buck and which was received with such great offence by Her Worship. Councillor MacEachern apparently took great exception to being falsely accused in such a way, which I for one, find to be highly ironic given any number of recent actions taken by Phyllis, Evelina, Sher and the Gang of Six in general.

There are legitimate reasons why freedom of speech is enshrined in our civil rights and protected so stringently by the courts. The very essence of our democracy is at stake and for the Mayor and her supporters to call into question the whole election process because their friend Mr. Granger lost by a mere 21 votes makes me (for one) question the underlying integrity and guiding principals of their motives.Thank goodness that there are some people that are still not afraid to speak up and question what is really going on at our town hall.

Signed Anonymous, for fear of retribution.


I have two reasons to print this comment.To give satisfaction to the writer . And  answer the question.

A  Special meeting is  called for the purpose of dealing with a single item of business on an emergency basis. Notice must be given  of the  meeting and the item to be discussed. No other item may be added.

The purpose being, to prohibit a  sneaky council  from sneaking  stuff on to an agenda.

Public Forum is a privilege not a right. No  person other than those elected have a right to  participate in the debate leading to a decision in a formal meeting of council .  Over the years, Aurora Councils have failed to respect that principle.   I believe it is remiss.

Only those who are elected are accountable.Only those  elected should  contribute to public debate  leading  to a decision accountable to the electorate.

There was no question  when the Mayor  referred the question of public forum to the clerk, something was in the wind. The  obvious intent  was  the clerk would indicate it was permissible.

He did not and indicated a motion to suspend the Procedural Bylaw was required. 
Councillor Mac Echearn moved to suspend the Procedural Bylaw. The motion passed.With one contrary vote.

No subsequent motion to approve  public forum was presented .Nevertheless the Mayor proceeded to invite  any member of  the public  wishing  to address  Council.

A substantial audience  was present . Few would be surprised   when Rebecca Beaton, friend, confidant and willing  hand-maiden to Councillor Mac Eachern descended the stairs  arms laden with papers, and took the microphone.

Tag team style  interrogation of the Clerk , also the Elections Officer had begun.

A scenario familiar to Councillors  from the beginning, it was a regular occurrence until they had  chosen ones at the table.

WalterMestrinaro,another long-standing friend and ally of Councillor MacEachern, infamous  for challenging staff competence in public meetings with complete freedom from the Mayor and encouragement from  his friend the Councillor,  followed with another  question.

When  public forum had been used as  intended and no other party came forward, then it became  the turn of Councillors at the table to further generate a  malodorous cloud of smoke and mirrors.

These people are in office still.  In such a circumstance, outgoing Councillors usually occupy themselves by out going ... quietly  circumspectly and wryly chastened.

There is nothing circumspect or chastened about this bunch . Arrogance and ignorance knew no bounds while they  held office and  rage and resentment over defeat renders them no more amenable.

Between now and November 30th all political activities are suspect.


  1. Keep your eyes open Ev, and keep us posted.

  2. Rebecca Beaton used to be quite the fan and friend of yourself. I seem to remember you extolling her virtues of community spirit.
    What happened that she went over to the other side?

  3. How I would love for something unsavoury to come to light which would give the residents of the town grounds for a class action suit against them.

  4. For almost four years, we have been counting down to Oct 25. On Oct 25 we all breathed a collective sigh of relief that it was over - 2/3 of the GOS were gone. But they're not gone yet are they, and they aren't going gracefully or with any class at all. And now we are faced with another countdown and holding our breaths once again until they are officially out of there. Honestly, I do not know how any of them can show their face in this town.

  5. Dear Evelyn:

    I understand that at the special council meeting on Tuesday councillor Wilson went on and on for a good while with some sort of apology. For some the sound system didn't seem to be working properly. Did you hear him? Is the above correct and what was he referring to?

    Only four more weeks!!!

  6. This Council will go down in history as the most disgraceful to ever hold public office in this Town ,Had it not been for you holding the course and contiually exposing these personalities they would have all waltzed right back in there. The price you paid was high but now more than ever the fruits of your labour are bountiful and oh so sweet!!!!

  7. Was it an apology to David Heard?

    I hope so because David is still holding his breath.

  8. One who Knows said... "This Council will go down in history as the most disgraceful to ever hold public office in this Town ,Had it not been for you holding the course and contiually exposing these personalities they would have all waltzed right back in there. The price you paid was high but now more than ever the fruits of your labour are bountiful and oh so sweet!!!!"

    Can you honestly say that the election results were because of Evelyn's blog postings? Come on. People that Iknow that read this blog take it with a huge grain of salt because this whole blog is very 1-sided. They view this blog and Evelyn's letters to the editor as crying out for attention. Obviously she has fooled enough voters to get her back in but I do not look forward to any change with the new administration - at some point Dawe is going to have to reign her in - that will be the start of more of the same.

  9. To Anonymous 8;26 am

    If anyone needs to be reigned in during this coming term I am willing to bet that it will not come at the huge expense of the town and it is not likely to be based on trumped up charges or any suggestion of an apparent manipulation of procedure.

    The current Mayor and her Gang of Six are so incredibly transparent to many of us that watch council closely, that any effort to lay all of the blame on Councillor Buck demonstrates the same level of one sided bias that we have come to expect from the GOS who claim the moral high ground while behaving in a fashion that is less than defensible from the standpoint of a vast majority of residents (as far as I can tell).

    We are all entitled to our views without the threat of having the Mayor and her town financed legal team coming after us. The hypocrisy we have witnessed is nothing short of astounding but of course it appears that the town is at least somewhat polarised... 80% against 20%, with the 20% likely on the decline as people become better informed.

    No one can claim to be perfect but thank goodness that we are not all as deeply flawed as the logic and actions of some members of Council appear to be these days.

    Signed: "Anononymous" for fear of retribution

  10. to anonymous Nov.5 8:26

    Absolutely not and nowhere did I even suggest that this blog was solely responsible for the election results ,But perhaps you could enlighten the readers of this blog just exactly who other than Buck had the stones to point the fingers , clear the smoke and smash the mirrors from the get go, Take it from one who knows very well ,the only ones fooled were the ones now looking for work. Ev will be one of Geoff’s greatest allies

  11. To: One who Knows

    First you said "Had it not been for you holding the course and contiually exposing these personalities they would have all waltzed right back in there. " and then you recant that and say "...nowhere did I even suggest that this blog was solely responsible for the election results..."

    Yes Evelyn did a lot finger pointing, clearing smoke and smashing mirrors. Of course she always points the fingers at others - never her.

    I think the Aurora Citizen blog has done more for this community than Evelyn. The AC allows two-way conversation. This blog is one-sided. Evelyn has fooled a lot of voters in this Town this year. I don't have much faith in the next 4 years.

  12. "This blog is one-sided".

    Oh Really, then how is it that your latest little misinformed rant showed up here, Oh and by the way Evelyn actually did have a seat at that Council Table where ,thank God she did her best work. By the looks of things it paid off

  13. "This blog is one-sided".

    Oh Really, then how is it that your latest little misinformed rant showed up here, Oh and by the way Evelyn actually did have a seat at that Council Table where ,thank God she did her best work. By the looks of things it paid off.

    Evelyn had a seat at the table as long as it was between 7:30 and 10:30pm. Outside of that, she had to get home to wach Letterman.


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