Sunday 14 November 2010

One Other Thing...For Now

Other things happened during this term involving external legal services.

Councillors found themselves in a closed door procedure unlike anything ever witnessed before either by staff or elected members and certainly not authorised by a Council vote.

I think the out-going Mayor fantasized the role as that of a Judge.

n this occasion, it was clear many hours of legal services had been purchased under whose direction could only be guessed.

I never discovered the financial cost of that exercise. Hopefully that will be revealed in the coming weeks.

I did hear however,many months later,the Treasurer of the day had refused to sign the cheque because the expenditure was not properly authorized.

They must have gotten around that problem. It never came to Council's attention.

Two signatures must be on the corporation's cheques. The Mayor's and the Treasurer's.

There's also a rule prohibiting spending over a certain amount after a certain point. After the election,I think


  1. this should be one of the first items of business , right after removing that disgracefull little piece of work on the Towns Web Site about a trumped up , completely false and wholey deranged code of conduct complaint, That BS better be removed on the 7th of December as the very first piece of business, What an absolute farce that this remains posted !!!

  2. I have complained to the current Mayor, councillors and the integrity commissioner about the Town's web site still listing this item.

    I have received no satisfaction from anyone - in fact the ITC never contacted me as promised.



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