Friday 10 December 2010

Contradictions in Terms

Anonymous said...

Don Cherry may come across as a bit of a clown but in these days of defending rights and freedoms, he has the right to say what's on his mind. I am not supporting or condoning what he said or how he said it but at least when he speaks he says exactly what he thinks. He leaves no room for doubt,which is more than can be said about many politicians: federal, provincial or municipal!

9 December, 2010 3:45 PM

I think Don Cherry is great at what he does. The game would not be the same without him. The loud voice, outrageous language and bizarre costumes are obviously contrived to create exactly the right effect; entertainment with astute observations on the play and complete contrast to his quiet mannerly conservative partner. He is the perfect foil.

Don Cherry is a unique Canadian and enjoys great regard.

I just don't think he fits the bill at the Inaugural of Toronto City Council. The role he played was not the right note for the occasion.

Toronto media has been merciless in their denigration of the man chosen to be the City's Mayor in a fair election.

Some Councillors have also been quick to throw down the gauntlet.

But Rob Ford is the Mayor. It is his role is to provide leadership and encourage the best. It will be the measure of the man.

Bringing Don Cherry in to flail colleagues in his inimitable style was not a good start. Mayor Ford won the fight. It's time to start the peace.

Relevant to Councillor Gaertner's deportment at the Inaugural.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Irony":

How about being fair -- she had to leave because of an illness in the family, which she told everyone in the audience. Perhaps that had something to do with her mood. But, then again, why would you start presenting all the facts now?


I keep being surprised by the dearth of understanding of what it means to be in office. Every demeanour belongs to the public who elected you. You are their representative. They transferred their authority to you. You are subject to their judgment.

No-one is conscripted to public office. Being chosen to represent the community is no small honour.

Criticism goes with the territory. Defeated candidates may be excused for a lapse from grace. What excuse is there for one who has been chosen?


I attended the Regional Inaugural last night.I was surprised by glaring lapses in protocol.

Nine Mayors entered in procession wearing Chains of Office.

They do not sit at Regional Council as presiding members. They are Councillors.

Wearing a Chain of Office, symbol of the head of Council, where they are not, is entirely inappropriate.

Election of the Chair was the order of business. There was a written nomination, moved and seconded. A call went out for further nominations. Nominations were closed. The new/old chair was elected by acclamation.

Throughout the proceedings, it was referred to as appointment. Not just by Councillors but also by officials .

It is clearly NOT an appointment.

The speech by the head of the Council is the main feature of the Inaugural.

It's nice for Councillors to be given a couple of minutes to speak. We never used to
and it is not essential to the proceedings.

Last night, twenty Regional Councillors separately repeated congratulations to the Chairman, appreciation to officiating personages, introduced, mothers, fathers. wives, children, wives' and husbands' mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and individual members of campaign teams.

Staff from municipalities were introduced, as well as regional officials. All were commended profusely to the audience. of which they were the audience.

Nobody thought to ask applause be withheld until each list of names was completed. Applause was repeated many,many times over.

The Regional Chairman, naturally pleased at having been re-elected, cheerfully announced, "Now you all know each other"

It was certainly friendly. Everyone was clearly pleased to be there.

But Oh...My...God

Re-election of the chair was predictable. It's not practical for anything else to happen which makes it a bit of a sham.

Nomination of a person other than a Regional Councillor is possible.It has never happened nor is it likely. It's a plum job. Why should politicians who have just been through the rigours of an election give the job to someone who hasn't.

Except that is what they do. The outgoing/incoming chairman has not faced the electorate.

If a newly elected Regional Councillor were to be successful in garnering sufficient support for a successful run at the chair, the municipal seat becomes vacant and voters are asked to foot the bill for a by-election, immediately on the heels of an election. Hardly a gooduse of municipal resources.

I remember Municipal Affairs Minister,Darcy McKeough telling York County Council, Regional government may not be the answer but once the decision is made,it's up to "us" to make it the right one. Work on it,improve it and make it right.

The trouble was, Darcy McKeough did not stay around. Like John Robarts didn't, to make the MTARTS plan a reality. Now people don't even know there was a plan created at great expense which would have fulfilled our best dreams and forestalled our greatest problems.

These two were not defeated in elections. They chose to retire from politics.
I guess it was too hard. The community certainly is the loser.

Now people don't know the difference between appointment and election or how ridiculous it is for ten individuals to sit around a table each wearing the symbol of presiding member.

Reminds me of the game, Where's Waldo?


  1. I read the agenda for Tues. Dec. 14, true to his word, the Mayor has served notice of motion to remove that complaint against you on the town's website and to terminate the IC contract. Also, I am pleased to see that the Mayor has also followed through on his promise to try and cut off the funding for PM's personal lawsuit on the closed session agenda.

    Looks like it will be an interesting meeting. I am hoping that all of our councilors got and understood the message the voters sent on Oct. 25 and will conduct themselves accordingly on these matters.

    Best regards,

  2. Evelyn, you touched on a subject that needs to be addressed. The Regional Chair is a non-elected position overseeing a buget well over 1 Billion Dollars. The decision to appoint is done behind closed doors.Given the incumbancy of Mr. Fisch, lord knows how many "for your support I;ll appoint you to Committee X" deals were cut.


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