Thursday 16 December 2010

Let Me tell You Why

Jason has left a new comment on my post "Dodging The Rules":

I have read your blog post and am left at a loss. I was in attendance at the meeting last night and listened to all that was said. I didn't find anything said by Ms CATTREL to be "offensive, abrasive, accusatory" as stated in your blog.

I am curious however why it seems to be such a trial to equally divy up pool time. As a basic function of a democratic society a simple Representation by Population method could be used.

Isn't this suppose to be about the children and their opportunity to swim not about whether they are a Duck or a Selkie? Each should be allowed fair and equal access to publicly funded facilities.


TAXPAYING MOM has left a new comment on my post "Dodging The Rules":

Maybe my view is simplistic but if there are 3 clubs, wouldn't it make sense to divide the pool time 3 ways. Surely you have an agreement in place for ice time that works? Unless there is a contractual reason I have not been made privy to I don't see why any group of children should be discrimninated against because of the club they choose to swim with. Judging by your statements, your position on this sounds more personal than professional


I objected to the Selkie Swim club business owner's presentation to Council on Tuesday. It was inaccurate,accusatory and critical of town staff.The views expressed above indicate how effective it was in misleading those who heard it.

Because the written presentation, attached to a memorandum from a Councillor, found its way into the public record, inaccurate, accusatory, and critical comments made against town staff now form part of the public record. They will continue to mislead whoever may reference the record from hereon.

At one point, during the verbal presentation, the microphone was silenced by the Mayor to stop offensive comments.The delegate was informed her comments were not acceptable. At another point she was informed she had two more minutes. She responded she had fifteen minutes because she had three delegations. She continued beyond her time in defiance of the Mayor's advice.

Many parents and small children were present on a sub-zero winter night to hear the Club Owner make her pitch that their rights and interests were being denied.

There is much to understand about the operation of a public recreation facility. Selkies owner understands it very well. Perhaps more significantly, she understands equally well what the parents listening did not, as illustrated in the above comments to my post.

First the town's obligation is to manage business efficiently with the least possible burden on taxpayers as the objective. We do that by maximizing facility use and revenues. The Town's recreation department brings in five million dollars revenue annually. It does not cover costs. Benefits derived by community use of facilities is the offsetting factor.

Different rates are charged for out of town users, private clubs and business operators. We use revenue from private business,to keep rates reasonable for community users.

I am conscious even so, there are families in Aurora who cannot afford to use the facilities. With the exception of the library.

The bulk of pool space is used for swim programs, including swimming lessons, provided by recreation staff. Last summer we provided swimming lessons in backyard pools. Fees are not dirt cheap but we do strive to make them affordable by maximizing revenues from the private sector.

We welcome business from the private sector.

I could give the history of how the Stronach pool came to be built despite heavy deficit forecasts. Let me just say the Ducks and Master Duck Clubs were effective in persuading Council it was a good thing to provide local swimmers the opportunity to achieve excellence and compete with the best.

When it was built, the town gladly contracted out the space to the two clubs.They paid the rate fixed by the town and met the residential requirements of the town's policy. We lucked out with a contract with the Roger Neilsen Hockey School which went a long way to keeping the deficit down. The community enjoys a first class pool facility.The current annual deficit is just under $400Ks.

Most pool time is a variety of community use.

The Selkies Coaching Club business was created two years ago. It is a privately owned business enterprise. The owner was originally a coach with the Ducks who left and started her own club using private facilities.

Eventually she came to Aurora Council complaining her demands to use town facilities were not being treated fairly by staff. She was liberal with accusation against both staff and the two contracted clubs.She was very familiar with the principles of contract.

In the past Council harsh,abrasive accusatory language against some staff members was often permitted. In some cases, I am convinced, it was invited. A Councillor, myself, was frequently subjected to the treatment.

You're damned right it's personal.

Rules of order do not permit municipal staff to be accused of wrong-doing in a formal public meeting of Council. Accusation of wrong-doing are not and should not become part of the public record. Permitting such is grossly unprofessional. A Councillor should not be obliged to object to abuse of privilege. Delegations should be apprised of the rules and warned they will be implemented.

The initial swim clubs did what they were entitled to do. Documentation of residential requirements for members were provided and a contract signed for full use of the swim lanes at the scheduled time available.

From a business perspective, opening the pool with all lanes contracted out from day one was everything the town could wish for

Funds were raised by the Clubs to help pay for the facility.Frank Stronach made a generous contribution which helps offset the debenture debt.

Then along came the aggressive, abrasive, accusatory, fast-talking owner of a new for profit swim club.

I'm here now. I want equal access. I want swim lanes to accommodate my business And by the way, my customers are Aurora taxpayers that entitles me was her pitch.

There is no inherent right for the public sector to provide space needs for the private sector to carry out profit making enterprise. Doesn't matter where the customers come from.

All the same, two years ago, the clubs with contracts did voluntarily give up lanes to accommodate the new one.

But it wasn't enough. The Selkies club owner apparently,despite insufficient lanes to accommodate them. continues to grow her business, while crying foul against town staff and the other clubs for not moving out to make room for her.

With the contrivance of a Councillor,to gain delegation status for a matter not on the agenda, at the first meeting of the new council, again flailing at staff with false accusations of unfairness, with providing a monopoly to the original clubs, with failure to follow through with Council direction and with insinuations of skullduggery in the matter of contracts.

While rallying parents with small children to come out on a sub zero cold winter night to support her false claims and outrageous demands.

We had more than enough of this stuff during the last term of Council.

The community recently had the opportunity to make it clear they want no more of it.

I fought against it last term without success. I expect the situation to be different this time.

If I have left any aspect of this unsavoury situation uncovered in this post, I will be happy to answer any further questions.

It is the town's obligation to be fair to all, to manage business efficiently and economically and not to submit to fast-talking charlatans with nothing but their own interest in mind and friends in high places.


  1. Are the Ducks and Master Ducks also a for-profit, private business, or are they offshoots of the town in some way? In other words, is there anything other than they were there first that should entitle them to have a disproportionately high allocation of lane time versus any other (private) swim club? I ask this without knowing if the current allocation when held up against current membership rosters is or is not disproportionate.

  2. Sounds like old boy's club at work to me. The original clubs get special treatment. The new club that is, my God wait for it, "OWNED" by an individual gets the bum's rush. How very socialist we are... oh that's right you were once an NDP candidate - how did that work out?

  3. Love my Town more than politics16 December 2010 at 14:39

    Way to go Evelyn.... you rock!

    Smash those kids' hopes and dreams.

  4. To be honest I really don't understand why something like this comes to council. Shouldn't it be handled at staff level anyway? I assume there are policies and procedures that govern something like allocation of time in public facilities. Could someone please enlighten me why this would go up to council?
    And as to "Love my town more than politics" saying "Smash those kids' hopes and dreams," really, get a grip. Enough of the melodrama.


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