Tuesday 14 December 2010

Three Comments

When I write letters to the Auroran, it's an understanding between myself and the editor the subjects should be Aurora issues. It must be obvious to Auroran readers, that's where Ron Wallace's heart lies and that's what his newspaper is about.It's his and it can be anything he wants it to be.

So, although it's not mine, it is a discipline I have fallen into. When I write about stuff like the fall-out from security for the G20 security and how it reflects on Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, I am not sure my Blog readers will be interested. It is satifying therefore to get a response.

Three powerful statements have been forwarded. Two writers suggest my view is skewed. I did not offer a view skewed or otherwise. I provided a glimpse into circumstances that removes the situation from a facile conclusion.

It is not black and white.

We will talk about it some more

To-day I'm going to write a post about an item I will have to oppose at the first meeting of the new Council to-night.

First I's going to have tea and toast and contemplate the issue.


  1. And so it begins...

  2. What do you mean "and so it begins"? Do you expect every item on every agenda to be unanimously given the royal ascent? You don't even know what the issue is yet.

    Your statement is either naieve or mischievous, or both. If the former, keep reading and thinking, there may yet be hope for you to understand the ways of politics. I suspect it is the latter though, bsaed on your comment, and your chosen moniker.

  3. To Not surprised:
    Oh please don't say that we are starting another term when if someone disagrees or wishes to state a different point of view, there is going to be another witch hunt like the one during last term! Who ever said that opinions and votes have to be unanimous? We are looking for discussion and debate out of which should come decent decisions - things we haven't had for the last 4 years.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.